This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My mare has still not foaled (day 14 past her due date) .. and I'm heading
off for Nairobi on business for nearly a month, next Friday.  The question I
have for the List is whether any of you breeders out there ever induce your
horses?   My vet is suggesting if the cervix is open, we should.  If it's
not, she can't.   My intuition is to let nature take its course .. the mare
looks fine, is eating well and there are visible tremors, kicks and other
signs of life in her belly.  I've seen two little drops of clear liquid on
one teat, several nights, but that's it.  Nothing more.  I am desperate to
see this foal arrive and spend some time handling it before I have to
abandon it to my less experienced hubby (and I love her more) ..While I have
friends who breed warm bloods and others willing to come and work with the
baby, should it get here, ever, while I 'm away, I 'm wondering whether I
should yield to the vet.. For the moment, it seems like I'd be pushing my
luck to do anything when there is nothing patently wrong, it's just taking
SO long.  Any views out there?

ps  Who out there is dealing with black flies and udders?  Poor Soleia, in
fact, both my mares, had black flies and crusted blood all over their udders
last night.  I washed them both and rubbed them dry and they were visibly
relieved.  But I hesitate to put any spray or other products on such a
sensitive area (particularly one that a nursing foal may encounter any time
now?)  SO.. what does one do?  Those of you who don't have black flies,
don't know how lucky you are .. for 2-3 weeks of the year it is a PLAGUE!

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