This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone,
    Some of you may know what has been going on regarding my wife, Joyce, and 
her health. A year and a half ago, we started a long and arduous process of 
getting Joyce set up for a kidney transplant. During the evaluation process, 
many issues have had to be dealt with, the most severe was a triple by-pass 
that was preformed on Oct 19, of last year. In january, I got tired of all 
the waiting and decided to get tested to see if I could be the live donor. 
Well, last wednesday, I did donate one of my kidney's to the best freind that 
I have ever known. For 24 years we have been together through thick and thin 
and this was my opportunity to do something to help improve her life. She 
calls me her knight in shining armor!!! I LOVE it!
    Anyway, with all the immune supressive drugs that she will be on for the 
rest of her life, we were counseled by the team of doctors at the University 
of Michigan that we must get rid of ALL of our animals. We are shocked and 
disappointed but the important thing here is Joyce's continued success with 
the new kidney and ultimate return to normal health and that includes playing 
with out wonderfull Fjordies! We will keep our 2 geldings at a private 
stable, sell or farm and purchase a cute little house with little to do but 
drive the boy's. I can harness and drive and Joyce can be my whip, which she 
alway's has been but can't touch the horse for at least 9 months.
    We believe that there is alway's a silver lining in every grey cloud and 
we are looking forward to that silver cloud to show up at any moment.!!!!!!
    I would like to congratulate Vivian Creigh for her decision to purchase 
the "other woman" in my life, Nanja. Nanja is a full sister to he Vivians 
stallion, Marnix. Adn I believe Vivian will have TREMENDOUS success with my 
beautiful little girl!
    I have a 2 year old filly that we purchased from the wich's which they 
will not take back. I need to sell Teske as soon as possible. She is an Arin 
daughter and she is an absolutely beautiful little filly. Her trot is to die 
for and when she matures, she will be an exquisite mare. I paid 4500.00 for 
her and need to sell her as fast as possible, I will take 4000.00 and she is 
in immaculate shape now!
    If any of you might know of someone who wants this little girl, please 
e-mail me.
We will be signing off from the digest for a period of time, but do look 
forward to a brighter future and maybe someday a return to the Fjord world.

                                Good Luck & Health to you All!
                                    Mike & Joyce Cook
                                    West Church Fjords

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