This message is from: "mizgriz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've enjoyed so much reading the birth announcements.  Every one is so
exciting and wonderful!!!

I guess I'll lump 4 announcements together here...

I just came in from the barn just now after welcoming our 4th foal in
less than 3 weeks at about 5:55 this morning.  Ingrid III had a
beautiful dark filly.  I'd arranged a stall in the barn so that I can
see inside the barn from our bedroom window if I leave the barn door
open.  I woke up at about 5:45 and could see that Ingrid was standing in
a different spot than her usual favorite so I decided to go check her
heartrate to see if she was in labor. Usually a higher heartrate is the
only warning my mares will give me.  I got on my boots and jacket and
grabbed the camera and cell-phone (to notify everyone at the house
without having to leave the barn) and stethoscope.  By the time I
stepped outside I could see across the yard that she was already lying
down. It had been only about 5 minutes from when I last saw her standing
from the window until I got to her, but I'd missed the birth by seconds.
 It was still exciting to be there that soon.

Our first foal, a colt was born April 11th in the horse hospital.
Anitra, his mom had gone off her feed and water and ended up on an I.V.
in the hospital for ten days.  Her and her colt are fine, but it was
scary for awhile.  I think she'd quit eating because the baby was
squeezing something, but that caused too much stress on her system.
After 3 days of having to have the vet give her water, etc. with a
stomach tube she layed down and rolled and got up and started eating and
drinking again like normal...I guess the baby shifted postition.  By
then though, her liver had been stressed and she became jaundiced
(hyperlipidemia) so even though she was now eating and drinking and
acting normal she needed her system flushed out.  Her colt was born 4
days after going to the hospital and came home with her at 6 days old.
Fortunately, he was handled a lot by the vet's staff (and us when we
could make the drive to Farmington, NM)  They are both home and doing
great now.

Four days after Anitra's colt was born Sondra had a beautiful, very tall
filly.  It was good that I was there for that because she had a leg
stuck during birth that I needed to help her with. Then 11 days later
Hilde (BBF Hildegard) had a beautiful little filly.

Each one seems like such a miracle.  I'm still glad to have a break for
a few weeks to get caught up on sleep before the next one is due.  I
just got our website somewhat working so there'll be pictures at .

P.S. You may notice that some of the haircuts on some of the horses were
done during my early learning phase, I'm getting a little better.

Dianna Saleh

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