This message is from: "Reena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> well the concenus is that Gus is on the thin side........friend at barn agrees as does Betsy P. who came to visit with her hubby Jer to help me verify if I was right or not......and yes he is too thin!
what I want to know from you all is what you would suggest feeding him to fatten him up: I don't want to feed 'grain' or sweet feed.... He is currently on some rice bran and does get a vitamin supplement. basically the same thing he had in CA but he was fat there! LOL So any suggestions would be appreciated. I am looking at Ultimate Finish from Buckeye right now as my choice...everything else is just loaded with grains......... otherwise he seems fine...eating/drinking/pooping. Reena --- This email was scanned for BUGS when it left my computer ....Outgoing mail is certified Bug Free and Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.351 / Virus Database: 197 - Release Date: 4/19/2002