This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This message is from: Mary Thurman

I have NO idea why she is this way - and it
> doesn't matter what you use(even your hand), she
> absolutely will NOT be struck! On the other hand, her
> acceptance of voice commands is very handy, allowing
Mary, I've had (and still have) Curly horses like that, plus a couple of
dogs.  I chalk it up to their superior intelligence.  They don't need to be
physically coerced into anything,... just simply explain it to them.  Grant
you, one does need to put a tad more emphasis on verbal directions every now
and again, but not always.  I've also found that a verbal reprimand should
be appropriate,... not just a display of ones's temper on an off day.  Judy

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