This message is from: "John & Eunice Bosomworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Congratulations on your fine showing at the Expo!!   I'm sure it was a lot
of fun.
Having fjords is a great way to meet people and make new "friends".    All
part of the "FJORD FRENZY"
Also can understand your desire to have more fjords.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<I am living proof that horse Expos are a great way to promote
and sell
Fjords.  I am now a two Fjord owner, and intend to buy another one,,,, or
two,,,,sometime in the future.  We have already committed to doing the Expo
next year.  We formed the Nebraska Fjord Horse Association over the weekend,
and are excited about what we can do to promote the Fjord horse here.
help.  Send us information about your farms, your stallions, lists of horses
for sale when asked.  None of us have horses to sell, but we would all be
glad to help you find customers for your Fjord businesses>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Fjordally yours,  Eunice
John & Eunice Bosomworth               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Deere Country Fjords    --- where visitors are always welcome!
Ayton, Ontario, CANADA

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