This message is from: "Ursula Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Brian and I wish to thank all the folks from the Mid-West Fjord Club for
their wonderful hospitality and kindness. It takes many folks to make a
gathering a success. We were looked after with great concern and warmth and
surely appreciate the efforts of everyone. Thanks to the membership for
inviting us to do the driving clinic and for your support. We ALL learn
something when we make education a priority and the Mid-West Club certainly
has made that their mandate and need to be congratulated.

A big hearty thank you to he Merrills for being our chauffeurs, tour guides
and hosts....I must add that Lois has a teaching and architecture background
which made touring the small towns in Wisconsin a valuable history lesson
for me AND she also knows how to shop so we immediately had fun.
Thanks to Green Valley Farm for their (as always) very generous time and
effort in making the meeting what it is...Their farm  is 'to die for' and
Fjords live in heaven there.
And of course there is Pat Holland whose endless commitment and work behind
(and in front of) the scenes is evident and very much appreciated. WE REALLY
REALLY REALLY thank you all....
Today we are back home safe, tired and encouraged. Fjord people are
GREAT..... that's for sure...EH?

Thanks to all

PS....just for fun click on our URL and check out the cute new photos on our
website....esp. the "Kiss me I'm Norwegian' one...
There were also folks at the clinic who wanted info about our driving
weekends and you will find a link for details.

Ursula & Brian Jensen
Trinity Fjords
Box 1032 Lumby BC Canada V0E-2G0
(250) 547-6303

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