This message is from: "Frederick J. Pack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Deb,  we also use it, but as we do not have a hard freeze for more than
two-three days, we give our kids the CW every day.

We pay $155.00 for a 50# pail.  with 23 horses (12 Fjords, 11 miniatures) a
pail last me about 6 weeks.  The kids love it with their grain.

We also follow the same regimen that Jean is using.  Spring and Fall,
regular paste Ivomec.

Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Wilkeson, WA USA

This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Deb,

I have used it for several years.  I now use it only in the warmer months,
starting in April here in Interior Alaska, about the time things start to
thaw, and then quit in October after the snow comes.  I worm first with
Ivermectin then feed the Strongid C2X (or now the CONTINUEX brand which is
the same thing) through the warm months.  I figure here in Interior Alaska,
things are frozen for the 5-6 colder months so larval transmission is
unlikely since I do not stable them.  In the fall I again treat with
Ivermectin, usually around the 1st of December.The Ivermectin kills the
adult worms, which the Strongid C2X will not, also kills bots (which we
don't have here,) so you should treat with Ivermectin as well as the
Strongid.  I feel I can give my horses a break  from the daily wormer here
in the winter in Alaska, which may not be the case in warmer climates.

BTW, Continuex is cheaper, Also another brand, Equi Aid CW, which is the
same thing.  It is also cheaper in the 50 lb bag, in which case Equi Aid
would be the cheapest.  My Fjords eat it eagerly,  and it is something more
in their bucket, since I give them so little grain!

One point to remember about using the Strongid C2X , etc. is that you have
to be consistent, feed it EVERY day, make sure each horse gets their dose
(which means feeding them separate, and you can not miss a day, as then you
are not getting the benefits.  If you can't be feeding it every day
consistenlty, then you should just stick with the paste wormers.  AND it is
expensive...about $.50 a day per horse. But I think the benefits are worth
the trouble.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, +20 and sunny today, but a strong cold wind.

>Has anyone or does anyone use the Strongid C or Strongid C 2x for
>I am wondering how it works and how the horses do with eating the pellets?
Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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