This message is from: "Sue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Hi Judy.... I  use plain fabric scissors...just cheap ones that I bought at
the dept. store and they work great. Storm stands there and lets me chop
away.  If hubby isn't there to hold him, I do him while he happily munches
hay out of his hay rack.  I tried human barber scissors and they did not
work at all.  They were just not big bladed enough.  Hope this helps, Sue
(Desert Storm's mom)

>Thanks to all who offered to help getting my new filly >registered. Now I
need another piece of advice : what is >the best think to use to trim those
manes !! Do I need to >buy the big $200 Oster clipper or is there something
>cheaper that works just as good ( hand shears >maybe ) ? I hope so. Thanks
in advance for the >assistance.

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