This message is from: "Michele Bigelow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

email address change:

I just got a new Internet provider (digital finally arrives in the
boonies!).  How do I update my subscription?


I used to feed source, but when feeding 5, it got expensive.  I was also
having trouble with the obese Fjord mare who existed on air and always
looked like she would drop a foal any minute...she started eating anything
she could sink her teeth into....barn, fence posts, poop, rocks, old moldy

I now feed them 1 cup am and pm of Triple Crown Lite.  It has all the
vitamins and minerals (like from Source) they need to survive, without
having to worry about keeping them on a diet.  So far my research shows this
is the best grain for my situation.  Low protein.....  Sigi stopped eating
poop, rocks and only occasionally knaws on the barn.   her weight is still
an issue......but that is a story for another day.

Catching horses from the new pasture:

My guys get a couple of hours of pasture a day inplace of a hay ration.  I
try to introduce it slowly, and have found that if I halter them first,
before throwing them out, I can catch them.  Like yours.....they do not want
to leave the green heaven.  There is also a hierarchy, Boss mare first, then
young gelding, then older gelding follows us in - like a dog.   When Sigi
(from above) was here - she just moved to a new home - I could never catch
her, even last.  So I started doing a "modified john lyons thing"  Keep her
moving, so she can't eat, until she lets me catch her.  After a while, it
was not much of an issue.

good luck!  YMMV

> My problem is in early spring when I want to introduce pasture.  I am
> very careful (maybe too careful) and I only want to put them out on
> early grass for 1 1/2 to 2 hours a day and work up to 3.  As the grass
> get alittle more mature and not so fattening I think my 2 fat ones can
> be on for 4 hours.  The other two could be on all day.  My problem comes
> in because after a couple of days of being on grass for only a couple of
> hours, they see me coming and do NOT want to get off.  That is when them
> become hard to catch and nothing works.

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