This message is from: John & Martie Bolinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I used this method on our Arab many years ago.  Just went out and played around
near him until he came to me.  Then played with him (he loves it).  Then gave
treats.  Then left.  Most of the time, even from the very beginning he would 
right to the barn with me - without the dreaded halter that meant he HAD to come
to the barn.  I I don't want him in the barn, well then, it's OK to go to the
barn.  He is a real hoot anyway.  Now if he does not want to come to me, I 
him and look anywhere but at him.  He can't stand it!  He absolutely HATES to be
locked in the barn though.  One day of locking him in (bad weather, illness, 
on his food) and its byebye momma, I AIN'T going back to that (*&$# barn!   I
think he is a little claustrophobic.  And when he gets back OUT!  Boy he can 
his stuff!
Never had a problem with the Fjords.  Keeping them away from me if I have a 
is the hard part.  How to get just one horse???

Martie in MD

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