This message is from: Janet McNally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just have to throw in my recent experience regarding an 'animal communicator'.
This fall I sold a very nice light riding horse that had NEVER been sick a day 
his 15 years,  so that I could purchase a harness for my new team (that 
includes a
fjord :-) Out of 3 horses,  I had decided to sell this particular horse soley
because he was indeed a very nice and fit riding horse and therefore  worth
sufficient $$$$ to pay for the harness, and because I will be doing very little
riding due to my creaky joints.   After a month I got a call from the new owner
who proceded to tell me that things had gone badly, that the horse collicked 
she first brought him home (he went from mediocre grass hay at my place  to
alfalfa and grain at hers) that he got beat up by one of her horses, and now was
coming done with some sinus thing (she admitted to having a prior case of
strangles on the farm).  She wanted me to take him back.  She could tell I was
heart broke over the whole thing and began to play on my emotions over the 
of a number of phone calls and emails.  Of course I could not take him back and
risk bringing in a horrid disease to my remaining horses, but wanted to get him
the equine company that I know he badly wanted.  (The new owner refused to put 
in with her horses after the big fight).  I believed that 99% of the problems 
due to the stress of being isolated.   I offered her his pasture mates, a llama
and an older horse we had here, which she refused.  Anyway... during all of this
she brings in an animal communicator.  Every time  I told her I was looking for 
way to bring him back home (i.e. contemplating isolating him at the rented 
she told me that the horse picked up, looked better and that the A.C. told her 
was happy because he was going home.  Then every time I told her that I was very
worried about the sinus problem and just could not risk bringing home the nasty
bug he had, I got a report about how depressed the horse was, and the AC said he
had no will to live because he was not coming home.  After a couple of rounds of
this I played their game.  I purposely told her I would try to find a way to 
him home just to hear the report... guess what, the AC said he picked up and was
happy, then I told her (deliberately just to hear what the message was), that I
could not take him back.... guess what... depressed horse.  Now if this animal 
really as telepathic as she tried to tell me he was, his emotions would have 
unchanged because he would have seen through all of that to my real thoughts,
right????  Finally I pinned the buyer to the wall and asked her what *really* 
the problem... at which she admited that she had not planned on keeping a horse 
a separate paddock arrangement (which really was not as necessary as she thought
it was), and that owning another horse was more work than she had planned on!
yeah, animal communicator alias says-what-you-want-to-hear-for-$$.  In the end, 
visited the horse, determined that  now that he was past the big feed change, 
he was well sheltered, well fed, and actually, very well bonded to his new 
and finally, after I cut through the bs, she bought him a pony.  Maybe there are
AC's out there that are real, but watch out for the frauds!


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