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I am sure many of you remember us rescuing a Shire mare named Mary 2 1/2 
years ago.  She came to our farm skin and bones with horribly foundered feet. 
 With excellent vet and farrier care, coupled with a good diet Mary really 
came around.  

She was our "auntie" to our Fjord foals and did she ever just love them to 
pieces!!  During weaning time, she made things just so very easy for all as 
the mares trusted her and the foals adored her.

About 2 months ago, Mary started to backslide and we called the vet out.  We 
had been warned by our vet in the beginning that sometimes, foundered horses 
may lose the circulation in their feet.  As Mary had been doing so very well, 
we were hoping to never experience this with her.  Our vet was worried, but 
decided to try some medicine with Mary just to see if this would help.  It 
did for a short time until about a week and a half ago.  Mary went badly 
downhill and we very sadly put her down today.

The Fjords all seem to know, as a matter of fact our stallion, Engar, has not 
left his post all day where he has been standing watch over the spot where we 
buried her.

We hope none of you ever have to experience the pain and agony a foundered 
horse has, but we are also thankful to have been able to spend the last 2 1/2 
years with our 18 hand Fjord in heart Shire mare.


Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm
White Cloud, MI

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