This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 The quickest easiest way to remove  packed snow from a  hoof is
>to pick it up and tap on the   side gently with a hammer. It will pop right

Maybe in warmer climes!  but here in the very cold Alaska, with below zero
temps, quite often with fresh snow (and especially if they have shavings in
their run-in shed), the snow will form very hard balls which I remove with
a claw hammer, using the claw side, carefully of course..hoof picks won't
do it.  I just try to catch the claw in the ice ball to pop it out.  I
never hit the hoof itself. 

If they have winter shoes on, I use the rim snow pads..the very best thing.
 Works here maybe better than down south where you have bare ground part of
the winter, walking around on gravel and mud could destroy the tubes so
they won't function properly.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, where it is SNOWING, Hooray! and +3F

We had all of 8 inches total precipitation in 2001! (normal averages 13")
This would be desert if it weren't for the cold seasons and permafrost!
Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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