This message is from: Janet McNally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

fjordhorse-digest wrote:

>  If you are an inexperienced, unfit rider who bounces up and
> down on your horses back and grabs his mouth everytime you are launched into
> the air should you be surprised when your horse bucks, runs or refuses to go
> forward?

I certainly would *not* expect a properly trained horse with some experience to 
buck  or run if it has an inexperienced rider on his/her back.   My kids 
learned how to ride (and are still very much learning) by putting them onto 
well trained, experienced horses and putting on a lot of miles of trail riding. 
 When they could not use their legs and hands well, we ponied them, as they 
grew older and gained experience we turned them loose.  Yes they bounced, they 
grabbed the reins, and did many mistakes.  But a well trained horse with a good 
temperment knows there is nothing to fear and does not run off, or buck. With 
coaching the kids learn to control their horses and neither learn bad habits.

That is not to say that a really inexperienced rider cannot turn a well trained 
horse into a problem.  They most certainly can given enough time repeatedly 
making  mistakes.   But this is not the same as just a poorly coordinated or 
unfit rider.

Janet McNally

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