This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> DeeAnna  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, for those of you with stock-type trailers, I'm curious.
> Do you tie your horses? If so, how? Facing forward, sideways, or
> backwards? With a regular tie rope or an elastic type tie? How do you
> minimize the potential for horses slipping and falling on curves or
> hills or during an emergency stop?

I have a 2-horse slant-stock trailer.  When I'm hauling our 2 Fjord
geldings, I load them facing slant-rear, with the divider between
them.  I tie them with "trailer ties" that I've custom-made to be the
lengths that I need.  The tie points are about 3' off the floor, and
the tie lengths are such that the animals can just touch their noses
to the floor.  This gives them enough freedom to raise and lower their
heads as needed, to balance against trailer motion.  (It also gave the
rear horse a little too much freedom to turn this way and that,
bugging the front horse, so I added a second tie, back to the
butt-chain loop, i.e. the rear horse is essentially in loose

My husband's gelding was a "poor hauler" in a standard straight-load
(front-face) trailer.  Going to slant-rear has greatly improved his
trailering behavior, and lowered his stress levels.

When I haul just the donkey, I give her the entire trailer, but tie
her to the midpoint of the long side (same longish trailer tie; it's
needed because she has been known to seek out and destroy wiring).
She's short-coupled enough that she can stand any way that she
pleases---seems to prefer either slant-rear or sideways.

The studies I've read indicate that equines haul better when given at
least some freedom to move around.  They frequently orient themselves
facing the rear of the trailer, which puts them in a better position
to resist stopping forces (including the mini-stops that happen with
each shift of the transmission).  Freedom to move the head is
important, as a horse can absorb a lot of turning and braking forces
by swinging the head/neck as a counterweight.

Marsha Jo Hannah                Murphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

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