This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sue:  OE and I send our best wishes for Randy and you.  
I pray that you both will weather this illness and have 
positive results.
Merry Christmas and hopefully a healthful New Years.

> This message is from: "Sue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >A question on western saddles...Isn't the semi-quarter >bars the narrowest
> tree?  I
> >thought that the sizes went from Arab tree (widest), to >Quarter Horse, to
> Semi- (for
> >narrower horses).  But folks are finding the narrowest >one fits the
> Fjords?
> Well I have a semi -quarter bar in the western Wintec saddle that I bought
> this past summer....and it does appear to fit Storm...Yet!  Although he is
> only 2 1/2 years old and we have of course just set it on him and lightly
> cinched him up....but I do have my fingers crossed that it will continue to
> fit him.
> Well  my hubby and I have had a rough fall.  As I mentioned in a previous
> letter, I broke my ankle.  I am getting around now (7 weeks later) by
> wearing a Breg splint boot.   Randy took sick a  couple of months ago and
> after being misdiagnosed and given medicines that did not work, finally got
> in so much pain that he was hospitilized 3 weeks ago.  C.T. scans were taken
> and various tests.  It turns out he has a non Hodgkins type of Lymphoma.
> This is very scary but according to the cancer specialist his prognosis is
> good.  He had his first Chemo treatment today and if all goes well he will
> be released tomorrow.  He will have 5 more treatments spaced 3 weeks apart.
> When I spoke with him tonight, he was very nauseated and had just been given
> a gravol needle.  Apparently, his immune system will be comprimised by the
> we hope and pray he does not pick up a flu or cold.  What a fall
> this has been!  But in spite of all this, I have managed to go on line and
> order gifts from Sears so hopefully Santa will come after all.  My prayers
> were answered when Randy's illness turned out to be treatable and hopefully
> curable.  Keep us in your thoughts everyone, and have a Merry Christmas.
> Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)

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