This message is from: "Ursula Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

           Dear List from Brian Jensen;
                   I must agree with Vivians comments about Fjord prices
leaning away from the top-side of the Equine Industry. I believe that Vivian
is located in the Mecca of the American Horse world as far as selling goes.
Geographics has a lot to do with price. A remote Breeder such as ourselves
will almost always hear questions about shipping, and then folks factor that
into the purchase price.
         Breeder credibility and proven years of good service can be
factored into the sale price of a Fjord. I believe there is nothing as
important as honesty and a proven track record.
        Availability of buyers also affects the market value of the Fjord
horse. Most Fjords sell in the mid-range to middle-class purchasers. As the
price goes up the scope of available buyers shrinks accordingly. Very few
fjords sell at extremely  high prices as there are fewer buyers available.
            Breeder participation in Fjord Evaluations and Shows augers well
in selling a Fjord to a customer Many customers of the Fjord are born
through watching them perform at CDE,s  or breed Shows. This avenue of
exposure has brought customers to our door. A customer watching a multiple
hitch can become excited and motivated
           Breeders-Owners who excel with their Fjords in the disciplines of
Riding-Driving-Draft  have by default referred customers to all of us
without our advertising dollar spent. Here I think of Anne Appleby ,Gayle
Ware, Hotovys, Jensens , Mcwethys , Pat Wolfe , and Vivian C. who have been
out there showing and continually stretching the mark on what Fjords can
do!!!!! These folks have helped up the dollar value of Fjords in interest in
the breed.
          Owning top quality Fjords and demonstrating it to the public on a
continual basis affects the price range of an animal. There are 2000.00
dollar fjords and there are 15000.00 dollar Fjords As this wonderful animal
offers so much versatility  to the general public it also offers a wide
range of purchase possibilities to meet the individual needs of the buyer .
          For yourself as a Breeder selling Fjords look at the points listed
and see where you fit .Possibly there is yet work to be done in order to get
those top prices !!! -Brian Jensen
Ursula & Brian Jensen
Trinity Fjords
Box 1032 Lumby BC Canada V0E-2G0
(250) 547-6303

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