This message is from: Arthur and Carol Rivoire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

Some months ago, I had a Dutch-bred horse to sell.   The mare was one of
our original Dutch imports registered in Holland, and subsequently
transferred to the NFHR.  The Dutch only show 3 generations on their
pedigree certificate  The NFHR Registration Certificate is set up for 5
generations,though they only require 3 for registration.     

When I received this mare on consignment and looked at her pedigree, it had
a lot of holes in it.  In the 4th and 5th generations, all the sire lines
were complete, but none of the dam lines.  All that empty space bothered me
so I called Mike and asked if he could get in touch with the Dutch Studbook
and request a full 5 generation pedigree for this mare.  

He said, no he could not do that, and if the information wasn't in his
computer, he wasn't going to ask for it.  

The gist of the conversation was that if I wanted the information on the
pedigree, then I should get in touch with whatever European Studbook was
concerned, and ask myself.  

Somehow this didn't sit right.  It seems to me that searching out this
pedigree information with a goal to having as complete a data base as
possible is part of the Registrar's job.  And furthermore, it seems that
there would be much less chance of error for Mike in his official capacity
as Registrar to go directly to his counterparts in Europe and officially
ask for the needed information.  

Frankly, I'd forgottent this problem until yesterday when I got a letter
from NFHR president, Dennis Johnson which said ---

 . . ."Your request was discussed at length (BOD Conference call) and the
final conclusion is that the NFHR Registrar has not been responsible in the
past and will not be responsible in the near future, for locating and
obtaining five-generation pedigrees on imported Fjord Horses."


The word "locating" is misleading.  My suggestion was that the Registrar
request from official sources (by fax) needed pedigree information.

And when Dennis says the NFHR Registrar "will not be responsible in the
near future for locating and obtaining five generation pedigrees on
imported Fjord Horses" . . does this mean that the NFHR Registrar IS
responsible for locating and obtaining five generation pedigrees on North
American Fjords?  


NFHR president, Dennis Johnson, goes on to say -  ". . . .If such
information is not presently in the database, then it shall remain the
responsibility of the purchaser/seller to provide such information to the
Registrar, if entrance is desired."


To me getting full and accurate pedigree information on every NFHR
registered horse should be the goal of the NFHR Registrar.  ---  


As Dennis Johnson said in his letter to me - " . . . A simple request to
the Dutch and/or Norwegians to fax the needed pedigree information should
do the trick."   

Dennis also says, "I have personally requested and received five generation
information from the Dutch, and  . . .  it was very easy."


So, if it's as easy as Dennis says (and I do believe it is), then why
shouldn't the Registrar be responsible for obtaining this pedigree


In his last paragraph to me, Dennis says - 

"The Board discussed the option of assessing a fixed service charge of
approximately two hundred dollars per request, for the NFHR to provide such
a service.  It was agreed that it would be more cost effective for the
members to request this information themselves.  Thanks for bring this
subject to light Carol."


$200 for a fax?   Geeze!  Give me a big-time break!  That's really
insulting to the membership, and pray tell, what's the point?  Thank
goodness reason prevailed, and they shelved that idea. 

Really, what would the point of a $200 fee be?  Certainly not actual costs
of sending and receiving a fax.   Did they discuss charging $200 if the
owner provides the information?  Is this talk of a $200 fee" meant to
discourage the desirability of a 5 generation pedigree.  Sorry, I don't get


*  I  think the most important part of the Registrar's job is acting as
watchdog over pedigrees, and doing his utmost to see that NFHR registered
horses have as complete pedigrees as possible.    

*  I also think the margin for error would be far less if the NFHR
Registrar OFFICIALLY requests and receives pedigree information from his
counterpart OFFICIALS, rather than various breeders and owners doing it

*  An official NFHR Registration Certificate that is set up for 5
generations looks rather foolish with a lot of blank spaces.  

*  A NFRH Registration Certificate with a lot of blank spaces gives the
impression that the registered horse has "unknowns" in his background.  

*  In the case I'm talking about, all the sire lines back to the 5th
generation are complete, but the mare lines (both sire and dam of the
registered horse's great granddam's on both sire and dam's side, are
incomplete)  Anybody might presume that those horses are Quarter Horses or
Morgans, or whatever, but maybe not pure-bred Fjordhorses . . . which, of
course, they are. 

*  I think the NFHR Registrar should make all reasonable efforts to
complete all pedigrees to the 5th generation.  In the case of imported
horses, (except in rare situations), the 4th and 5th generations can be
easily acquired with a faxed request.    

*  I agree that this might entail considerable work with some North
American Fjords, but not so with the imports as all this pedigree
information is easily obtainable from their data bases.

*  And finally, in my opinion, this is the Registrar's job, and I'm
surprised the Board of Directors didn't see it the same way.    

Anybody have any thoughts on this?    

Regards,  Carol Rivoire 
Carol and Arthur Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7 Pomquet
Antigonish County
Nova Scotia
B2G 2L4
902 386 2304

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