This message is from: "Teressa Kandianis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was puttering around the kitchen this morning and a knock comes at the
door.  Out in our neighborhood, 8am is pretty early for neighbors to come by
without calling.  Well it was a neighbor about a half mile away who said her
husband was leading our two fjords up our driveway.  They had been awakened
by the sounds of noise on their patio, thought it was their kids up earlier
than normal, checked on the kids who were still tucked in, and went out to
see Merit and Nina hanging around.  Great neighbors we have, the guy put a
rope around muzzle on each (he expressed surprise at how easy they were to
"catch" - no catching b eing required, ofcourse) asked the kids whose horses
they were and he and his wife headed over to our house - his wife in the
car, him leading the happy and amiable fjords - who were thrilled with all
the attention.

All the gates were closed, the wire was hot - but we found a gate unchained
but swung shut with hoof prints leading out.  This gate is always chained
shut, we haven't gone through that gate in months - however, it is a
favorite point for Nina to shove her head through in search of a blade of
grass.  We suspect she worked with the clasp - a simple little thing and the
chain was loose, not tight - until it came undone.  We've gradually replaced
all of the clasp closures around the pasture - should've done them all at
once the first time this happened ...but we kept thinking it was a fluke,
maybe some kid wanted to walk in som,e heavy mud and opened a gate and
forgot to close it (never seen any neighbor's kids going into our pasture -
they gave up long ago practicing golf swings in there because the fjords
won't let them alone and they always asked before going in anyhow).

Anyway, this was new destination for them - they got some early morning
attention, so we'll have to beef up this escape route or Nina will be back
at it when the notion strikes her.  And once she starts a deconstruction
project, she doesn't stop until it is finished.

And hey, Steve, thanks for the good time.  And for keeping us on track.
Teressa in Ferndale, WA.

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