This message is from: Mariposa Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I use a big commercial plastic laundry hamper and a big stick to "swish them
around"  Kind of like a big tub on wheels.  Works great.  I did try to bring 
in to our local laundry mat once and got "busted" by the old lady who watches 
place!  Since then the big tub works just fine.


(only one brillant child... at least that is what she tells us)


> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I have a question out there for those who ride western.  I was given a few
> heavy wool western pads.  They are very thick with fleece lining on the
> underside.  Any recommendations on how to wash them?  They're really gross
> and I was hoping to be able to stuff them in the washer, but they don't quite
> fit  :-)  Any thoughts or suggestions?
> Kate
> Mom to Baldur the wonder Fjord
> Plus two brilliant human children

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