This message is from: "Reena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I loved the pictures of the goat kissing! wonderful.....I am always trying to bookmark the lovely horse farms so I can go back and look at them later!
Catherine, thanks for the link to the Jody Bergsma art work....I have quite a few of her prints (gifts from a friend) so this is perfect! updates: Well, we have settled into our new home here in Michigan and Gustav seems to be doing fine also. I ended up having shoes put on him as he was getting very footsore after all of the rain.....I do believe it started off as stone bruise and then he was just quite tender on it after that, or protective. He never really came up as 'lame'...just slightly off on occasion. I have gotten together with Betsy P. a bit, but alas, not for any riding! just chat......hopefully this next year will allow us to get together with our horses. Reena [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, and faith looks up. --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.295 / Virus Database: 159 - Release Date: 11/1/2001