This message is from: "Sue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>There's no question Julie will be up and about soon!

I for one will be praying for her.  My broken  ankle seems quite
insignificant in comparison.  I have to have a second mammogram done this
Friday.  I sure hope the "thing" they are looking at a second time is not
going to be a problem.
Ruthie....I read the article you put in the link to. I am ashamed of my
country for allowing these urine farms.  One can just as easily take a
synthetic hrt. without this needless production of unwanted foals for mares
urine.  Eating horses!  What a barbaric practise.  I wonder if everyone
realized what is in "Premarin" how many women would still take it?
I am sorry that Gail D. felt she had to give up on horses.  I was lucky that
Storm got over his spell with colic a year ago.
Thanks Steve.  For some reason I was using that password and it would not
work for me.  I also tried several times tonight before I could actually get
into the archives.  Is anyone else having this problem?
Well I must go and rest this dratted bum leg.  A wheel chair ramp would be
nice but we are in the beginning of our winter...snow and ice...ugh!  so
unfortunately would not get much use out of it. If we get a nice day soon
however,  I will beg for a ride down to the paddock for some horse
therapy...that is if it quits raining!  You should have seen the horse line-
up when I came home and hobbled in with my walker last Thursday. (:
Well so long everyone,
Sue in N.B. (Desert Storms mom)

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