This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Jean,
no, his brakes are well mounted *lol* But at the time being I had to ride
alone (it is nearly dark, when I'm able to go for a ride), and A'simi
missed other horses, some days more than others. And so, when I'm not in
the saddle but leading him, he is a little bit stubborn, and so, I can tell
a new story from yesterday. I'm glad, you cannot see my face when writing
this story ... it is as red as my little italian car :-)
When I was coming out of the forrest two of the soldiers were looking to my
horse. And one of them said to the other: "this is a mule!" Oh dear, I felt
just if I had to fall down ... A mule - my world best pony! So I had to
tell them that he is pretty little ears, nothing without his sometime
stubborness, which can remember to a mule. The poor soldiers had to listen
to my lecture about the Fjord, about ponies etc. ... And when I was coming
home, I told my husband what happened. And what did he, who ride our very
gentle Arabohaflinger told me, after he could speak (he was laughing nearly
10 minutes): "That's what I ever say. A'simi is a mule!" I didn't cook
anything this evening.

 (Embedded     "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>               
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To:   <>
Subject:  Re: where is everyone?

Security Level:?         Internal

This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Say, Anke, what has happened to that well trained Fjordie that your trainer
was so impressed with?  Turned into a speedy little car with no brakes?

Jean Walters Gayle
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 To 1949 ]
Send $20
PO Box 104
Montesano, Wa 98563

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