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Hello All,
     This is Kathy from Cornerstone Fjords and I am here too!  I have been 
busy teaching so I haven't had a lot of fjord adventures since Libby.  I am 
looking forward to seeing friends and meeting new fjord lovers at the fall 
PNFPG meeting this coming Sat in the Spokane area.  I even tried the fjord 
chat room that Lisa Pederson is always talking about.  Unfortunately I got on 
just as the time was up.  Instead I tried another horse one for fun, (I had 
never used one of those, no experience) and wrote to several folks for about 
20 minutes.  I have always come kicking and scratching to technology but am 
getting much better at all of it.  We are finally getting all the rain we 
needed this summer, but I am not complaining.  I enjoy the fall, the colors, 
chowder days, and hot cider.  It always reminds me of New England where I 
grew up.  My horses are fuzzy and I have discovered they know my car.  As 
soon as I start down our drive they bound down over the hill in the pasture 
to greet me, (and for food of course!).  Hoping all of you are well and happy 
and enjoying this wet ,colorful time.   Kathy Rollins

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