This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>The old mare marched right straight past it, into her
>stall---after all, that was Her Barn, so nothing in it would >dare hurt
>her.  My husband's gelding (also known as Fjord-with->Arab-Brain) threw
>his head up, snorted, detoured as far around it as he >could, scooted
>thru his stall, out into the corral, spun, and Dragon->Snorted again,
>lest it be following to attack him.  My gelding dropped >his head,
>drifted over to it, and sniffed it over---who knows, might >be
>edible---nope, so he sauntered on into his stall for >dinner.
....Marsha Jo....I can't wait to try this....the ball in the sock thing. I
bet Storm will pick it up and go with it! "Fjord with Arab brain"  ...I love
it....LOL LOL LOL.  That is soooo funny....ROTFL  Speaking of
Arabians...mine is registered with the Canadian Arabian Horse
Registry....but unlike the Fjord registry, I can't seem to look up her
pedigree on line.  For instance, I don't even know if she is Polish,
Egyptian or  Crabbit.  I have her original papers but no actual transfers
were filed with the club and she has been sold 3 or 4 times.  I was told
today to contact the original owner and have a transfer signed directly from
her to me....and skip the middle owners.  Anyone ever done this?
These Arab owners  were  also telling me not  to jump into selling my Arab
mare....that the spooking problem can be easily overcome.  So guess I will
just keep her awhile and ride her in the paddock where it is safer (too many
coyotes down back anyway)...and maybe expose her to some stuff....garbage
bags in trees....etc. Do any of you have any despooking ideas? ( If I have
any potential buyers from my add, I will just take their phone number...and
get back to them if and when I really do make up my mind to sell her.)
  They all had their feet trimmed today and  all were very good about it.
The farrier says Storm has very good feet....probably won't even need shoes.
He was very impressed with him.
Well  ttfn, Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)

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