This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all -

Beth, thank you so much for posting that wonderful letter about Afganistan
and Bin Laden.

Thank you also for the detailed list of helpers [ helpers? - they made it
all happen...] You beat me to the punch with your posted appreciations -
well said! I do have one correction; you left out Beth Beymer, who was so
generous with her time and expertise, and who was a big factor in making
sure everything went so smoothly.

Not only did she work tirelessly ahead of time, bringing order out of chaos
and asking all the right questions, but she also worked her little patootie
[did I get the spelling right, Ursula?] off getting the performance tests
set up.

So when you're sending out thank-you's, don't leave out someone so special,

And, by the way, many congratulations on your winnings!

Cheers, Peg

Peg Knutsen - Ellensburg, WA

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