This message is from: "John Bosomworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Pamela!    You wrote:
<<She started pooling after being bred.   I remembered.  I had NOT given
her her red raspberry leaf.  Okay, okay, it sounds like witch-doctoring, but
I fed-exed a bag of the leaf to the stallion owner.  Had her give Juniper a
handful a day every day for a week.  Then back off to every other day (the
usual dose).  Voila~ a mare with a very nice pregnancy!  Now I'll only give
it to her through her third month.  Then I'll start, every other day again,
in her 8th month.  Upon delivery, I will then give it to her every day.  It
helps tone the uterus and bring her back into shape.>>

I find this very interesting!   Your reference to pooling ... is this
immediately after the breeding?   Also, are these the leaves from the red
raspberries grown in your garden?    Is a handful ...about 20 leaves? or
more?    Would the wild red raspberry work as well?
In our area we won't have raspberry leaves in the early Spring.    Would it
be necessary at the 8 months and on?   or could you freeze the leaves?

Fjordally yours,  Eunice                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John & Eunice Bosomworth
Deere Country Fjords
Ayton, Ontario, CANADA

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