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I have a little something to share....something I think we all can become 
involved in (for a little fun) and see how we all think it measures up.
Ok, here goes....
I read once, in a horsey type magazine, an article.  This article was talking 
about how to judge the temperament of a horse while looking at it to buy, or 
just admiring it.   On the forehead of the horse, is a whirl mark.  Going by 
the eyes, if the whirl is higher the horse is Hot, Aggressive, Spooky, Etc. 
the further up the head the more so.  The lower the whirl pattern the Clamer, 
Sweeter, Steadier, Etc. the horse.  Now....I have used this method, as well 
as looked for a horses whirl after seeing his true temperament, to see if 
what I read has held true.  I must has never been wrong for me.    
I've seen horses that are pretty close in temperament....but that one little 
thing that maybe makes one better then the other....they have always had 
their whirl just a bit lower :)    It's kind of neat, and I thought I would 
share it.  Next time you're out with your horses, you know how they all 
behave....look at their whirl and see if it is indeed lower or higher, 
matching their temperament.
In my personal walk with horses..... I have found those an inch or more lower 
then the eye....the BEST ones.  Right between the  eyes....pretty good.  
Those above the eye line....Brats and usually the first to be sold or never 
purchase to begin with! LOL
So take a minute and look, and see if you'd have to agree that this does make 
some since. (how??? I don't know LOL )

Aimee Day
Days End Fjords
Garland Me.

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