This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

     > Sue! (Desert Storm) Start looking for your farm! It is >such a gift
>look out back
>and see the fjords enjoying life to the fullest, heads buried >deep in the
>hay pile or growing grass!
Hi to another "Susan"  you have the wrong "Sue"  I  CAN look out my window
and see my horses eating (Except for when they are in the fly shed)
mind you our property is small and they are eating hay and not grass but
they are still "eating". *grin* We do own 25 acres  plus a 40 acre woodlot
about 2 miles away that used to be my Dad's choice hayground but has grown
up in bushes and weeds...we keep buying lotto tickets hoping  we can afford
to relocate over there someday.....  Oh well, for now  we are comfy and
happy and have wonderful neighbours and our health....what more could one
> Sue you know which Fjord was rescued at the Crossed
>Sabers site?  It almost
>looks like Lori A. but I do not think it is. Does anyone >know who did the
>rescue of the Fjord from Crossed Sabers?
sorry I do not know which horse was rescued but I read on the list that
someone else knew.

>My grandmother used to use Epson salts on plants and >claimed to "physic"
>bugs to death.  I did spray my dog wood several years >ago when we had a
>blight here and nothing was working.  It survived when >others did not.
>Beautiful big tree now.   Jean do you mix the epsom salts?  I did put 1 tbsp of dry epsom salts
in the soil under each tomato plant this spring..... and you CAN dissolve it
in water and water things....but I have never heard tell of spraying with
it.  I bought another big bag of Rotonone today....happy dusting

Sue glad all is finally coming ok for you....Hang in
certainly have had your share of troubles this spring.  Keep us informed
about Keswick.

Mary...thanks for the name Bio Groom....I will look for far as
mixing the skin so soft...I have used it straight and it works.....that is
if a horse is not allergic to it....speaking of which...I am allergic to
eucalyptus myself... I am using a horse spray that works pretty good...but I
am always on the lookout for new ideas....thanks everyone...I am saving all
this info on my harddrive.
Well gotta go check out the tv...nite all,
Sue in N.B.  (Desert Storm's mom)

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