This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Sue Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: "Sue Harrison"
> Hi...How is everyone making out in the battle of the
> horse fly?  The blasted
> things were right inside the flyshed chewing away.on
> the horses...we brought
> them in and wiped them all over with flyspray....and
> I remember reading in
> here that good old fashioned Listerine mouth wash
> will work for no see-ums
> and mosquitos...and I was wondering how well it
> works on horse flies?


I'm the one who uses Listerine for no see-ums and
mosquitos.  Down here it doesn't work on horse flies. 
The best thing I've found for flies around here is
Bio-Groom Repel 35.  It's a spray-on and I just spray
a rag and wipe it on the 'ticklish spots' and face,
then spray the rest of the horse.  It lasts up to a
week or 10 days if the weather is dry.  three or four
days if it's kind of rainy - only one day if it's a
downpour outside and they really get wet.  Bio-Groom
also makes a couple of horse shampoos - one regular
shampoo and one for lice and other 'vermin'.  Have
used the one for lice, etc., with good success when
Line used to have a lice problem.  She no longer has
the problem since the neighbors sold their decidedly
scruffy llamas(not all llamas are scruffy, just
theirs) which shared the woods with Line.  I swear
that's where the lice came from all those years -
yeah, I know, I know, lice are 'host specific'.  Not
these guys!!  I've never seen that particular type of
lice on a horse before, and neither had my vet.  He
thought maybe she brought them with her from Norway! 
Nah!  They were the same 'bugs' that the llamas had -
don't know where they brought them from.

Anyway, try the Bio Groom, if you can find it.  I get
it from my feedstore(Cenex) or out of the Valley Vet
or Omaha Vaccine catalog.



Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms
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