This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear just never know what will be in my lists...that desktop
reflections thingy at the top of my last letter for instance....I had been
fooling around with stationery ....and when I got my digest...there it
was...Catz stationery by Desktop reflections....cheeshhh I feel
silly.  (~:
Well I wrote to the Wintec saddle company and guess what....they informed me
that my new saddle probably does NOT  fit my Arab mare as they are only made
in a narrow width...what the heck gives here?  My Arab is very dainty...if
it does not fit her, how the heck would it fit any horse?  I certainly wrote
back that I was not very impressed.  Here is a copy of the letter I received
from the manufacturer.....
>For the Western saddles you can check the fit by making sure there is
enough clearance in the >withers of the horse and that the panels are at the
right angle in relation to the horse's >shoulder.You might have enough
clearance for the wither but it might be too narrow and sitting >too high in
the pommel area of the saddle and might cause pinching.See if someone from
the store >where you bought the saddle from can check that the fit is right
for your horse or maybe a trainer >can help.I know you just bought the
saddle but I'm wondering if that saddle really fits your horse. >Arabs tend
to need the wider Full Quarter Bars and our saddle only comes in the Semi
Quarter >Bars, narrower fit.
>The Western saddle doesn't come with a changeable gullet plate like the
English saddles. All >saddles should be checked for fit every now and then
to ensure the comfort of the horse.Over >time, by training and riding a
horse can develop more muscles in his shoulder area, changing the >way the
saddle fits. "
Before we bought the saddle, we did a wire impression of Misty's withers and
took that to the tack shop.  The saddle does appear to fit her....but after
that letter from the Wintec company....I wonder.....Does anyone out there
have a western wintec saddle?  I am sorta sick thinking my wonderful new
saddle is a misfit....literally.  Any input is appreciated. Suppose it can
ever fit Storm?  It seems to be the answer to my knee problem.
Denise...yes I do use a breastplate...but Misty is an Arabian and has
withers. I have not had a chance to try out the new saddle yet, but Randy
has had Misty out with it and he said she was very quiet and well behaved
and he found the saddle extremely comfortable. Storm, my Fjord gelding  is
only two and is not doing anything more strenuous than eating...LOL....we
are going to start ground driving him again though soon.  As for him
spooking....he has never spooked at anything.......much too layed back for
that.  He even lets me put plastic garbage bags and plastic tarps all over
him and even comes in under an open umbrella.  I keep my eye on him...but if
I thought he was dangerous enough to run over me....I would never have
bought him in the first place. Their reputed quiet nature was why I decided
on buying a Fjord instead of some other breed.  We have owned horses for 30
years and we have only had one horse crazy enough to run over us and we got
rid of her...with a warning to the new owners.....of course.  She would make
for a dog if there was one behind us and if we were in the way...too bad.
She was a grade animal with a bad disposition.
Brigid....I can't get that saddle stabalizer link to work.  Tomorrow when I
am not so tired, I will try to find out what they are.  Email me privately
with more info if you wish.  I usally get a leg up from Randy.  I know what
you are saying about the swaying....Misty has done that twice...once when I
bought her and her previous owner was saddling her up...she flew backwards
when she tightened the cinch and tried to sit down!....and the time I
mentioned with us...both times...the same saddle that sat right on top of
her withers!  Hopefully it is just that saddle.  Needless to say, we cinch
her up lightly at first now and gradually tighten it...and it is the new
Wintec that we are now using. I will keep you all informed of any new
problems...and by all means if any of you know anything about the Wintec
western saddles, all input is welcome.
Night everyone, Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)

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