This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Catz by Christina's Desktop Reflections (Original art by Braldt Bralds)
Dear list.....We went out for a short ride the other night. I decided to try
out the black saddle that came with Misty.  Just as we got in the woods, I
shoved or at least tried to shove my fingers under the way...
dumb saddle was sitting right on her withers! How the girl I bought Misty
(Arab) from used it I have no idea.  Needless to say, Misty was antsy and
when I realized my cinch was loose, I asked Randy to stop so we could
tighten it up.  He said wait till we find a wide spot in the trail, which we
did.  I hopped off and proceded to tighten up.  Well......I went to pull my
short fat self back up and the saddle rolled....and down I went in a heap
(On the only rock in the trail) and landed right under Misty's belly.  She
sort of jumped a bit (saddle hanging off her side.( When we had first fitted
the saddle to her a few days before, it was too tight and she started
swaying....ever had a horse do that? which is why I hate to cinch her up to
tight at first....but if I fall off enough times, I just might remember to
tighten before I mount up.....I am a bit rusty, not having saddled up for
two years.*grin*) .  Randy sputtered at me, did some adjustments and gave me
a leg back up.  On we went....then there was some string, used by thinners
working in the woods...stretched right across the trail.  Randy took hold of
it for me to go under....and it stretched...and stretched....and
stretched....when it finally broke, Misty shot under it at a fightened
gallop.  Randy reaches out and grabs at me, pushing me in the
throat....roaring...."sit back in that saddle... do you want to go off over
her head?" (I do have a habit of leaning ahead) Any way I collected the mare
from her mad dash, and we continued on.  I wished for a pile of rotten
apples or a rock or anything... mushy horse turd....anything to throw at
him!  I am hoping the mare was upset because of the ill fitting saddle.
This last trip did it....we went saddle shopping and I bought a brand new
western Wintec saddle. If you want to see it go
here.....   We got home and tacked her
up...of course, I didn't over tighten the saddle...and you guessed
it....when I went to mount, the saddle rolled, and off I came again...Randy
caught me this I didn't quite hit the ground.  This time Misty
simply stood there, saddle hanging off her side, till I loosened the cinch,
slid it upright on her and tightened it again.  Randy told her "its ok
Misty...get used to it...thats the way your mistress gets off"..... LOL
cheeshe you would think I would learn...TIGHTEN and double check cinch
before mounting!! duhhhh.  At least we made a wire pattern for Misty and
were sure the saddle would fit her withers before we even bought it...It
appears to fit her perfectly.  Is it just the English saddles that have the
replacable gullet?  I forgot to ask the dealer.  Sure hope the same saddle
will fit Storm next year.
Oh well I will cross that bridge when I  get to it. Some of you mentioned me
getting a Wintec when I wrote last week complaining about sore knees after
riding. Are there quite a few Wintec western saddles out there?  What do you
all think of them?  Randy's horse has started getting dry spots on both
sides of his withers after he is ridden.  He is using a Professional's
choice saddle pad...and he does not remember him getting the dry spots with
his old pad....could the new saddle pad be the problem? ( It is an expensive
one that  the guys from work gave him when he retired.)Or is it more apt to
be his saddle?  He is going to try my Wintec...if it works he will probably
get one and then we will have three saddles for sale instead of just my two.
 Storm is fat and sassy....seems to think he is some sort of
dog....retreiver at that!  Lugs anything and everything around in his mouth.
Follows at my heals, and is in to anything I try to do...Our fencing goes
like this....push pony out of the way...put nail in insulater and start to
pound in fence post...push pony's nose out of the way...hit nail once, push
nose back....finally get up and litterly push pony out of the way
again....order him out of the fencing stuff. When all else fails, yell for
hubby to feed him or take him away.
Well it is supper time and I smell the bbque.  So long for now,
Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)

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