This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello everyone....well I went for my first honest to goodness trailride
(with others) on Misty, my Arabian mare.  She was a little handful for the
first little while.  I was second (behind hubby) and two other geldings were
behind me.  Misty bounced all the way down through the first part of the
trail!  I had had enough by this time and asked Randy to take me back home.
Then the other two riders walked ahead of us while we were discussing taking
my mare home, when she instantly calmed down.  She simply would not tolerate
the strangers behind her!  We set out again with the other pair out in front
and I could not believe the difference!  I would have enjoyed myself
immensely if it were not for my poor knees...especially the right one.
After a 2  1/2 hour ride and two tylenol 3's.... rubbed  knees with "deep
cold rub"  I am still in agony!  I have ridden a very few times in the past
two years.....and have also put on a few pounds....surely not enough that my
15 inch western saddle is too small...but it sure seems that way!  It is a
roping style saddle with the curved fronts on the tree...and each step she
took bumped my "fat little legs" (~:    My knees were also killing me after
even a short ways.  Randy got off and shortened the stirrups...that helped
with me bumping the front curved part of the saddle....but ohhhhh my poor
knees...although it did help them a wee bit....I kept dropping the right
stirrup and letting my leg hang down.....I didn't know whether they felt
better bent or straight! How much spare space (without me in it) should
there be in the saddle seat?  If I get a bigger seat will the skirt then be
too long for my short backed Arab?   and also Storm when the time comes?  He
appears short backed to me....are Fjords normally shortbacked?  Is it
possible to get a saddle that will fit a dainty 14.1 hh Arab and also a
round little Storm?   with a big enough seat for chunky short little me?????
If Arabs are good for heavier riders then it would seem as if a bigger seat
for me would still  fit my short backed Arab?
 Misty was not a bit sore in the back so my saddle must fit" her" ok....but
there sure is a problem for me.  I was diaginosed with Fibromylgia a few
years ago and have sore achy knees and joints anyway.  So between the
too-small saddle,and sore knees  I had a miserable time of it.  It was a
beautiful day and the wind was blowing just enough to keep the flies away.
My mare was an angel and my misery was certainly not her fault.  If anyone
out there has any ideas...oh yes what would a wintec western saddle be like
do you think?  I looked them up and it looks like a real pain to change the
gussets.  What seat sizes do they come in?  It mentioned something about
medium and large.....what would that be in inches?
Sure hope someone out there can help......Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)


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