This message is from: John & Martie Bolinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We worm every 6 weeks with the wormers that the vet recommended.  He
said that even on regular schedules, you sometimes get a buildup of
'resistant' larva.  A few years back (7?10?) we had a similar problem
with our Arab.  Nothing since.
You just never know.  Next time my babies start losing weight, I will
check more carefully!!!! before things get out of hand.  I hope.

Martie in MD

Mary Thurman wrote:

> This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- John & Martie Bolinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This message is from: John & Martie Bolinski
> >
> > Jan,
> >     The description sounds like our Wee Willy just
> > went through, except for the
> > scours.  None of the bloodwork was conclusive but
> > the vet put him on a regimen
> > of antibiotics and had us give him a heavy dose of
> > larvacidal wormer.
> >     I don't know if either one worked or if he just
> > came through it himself,
> Ditto here.  Last spring my niece's Mini went through
> almost exactly the same symptoms - with some scours at
> first - and the vet treated the horse with antibiotics
> and a couple of moderate doses of wormer.  The vet's
> explanation was that a large buildup of certain kinds
> of parasites can cause a systemic reaction in some
> horses - similar to the reaction to any infection.  He
> didn't give a 'why or wherefore' to it, just said it
> happens, treated the horse, and the horse recovered
> quite well.  It did take a couple of weeks for the
> horse to be back to 'normal'(eating everything in
> sight) again.  My niece has been very careful to keep
> to a good worming schedule since then, and has not had
> the problem again.  It only happened to one horse on
> her place - maybe this one was extra sensitive to
> parasites, who knows.
> Mary
> =====
> Mary Thurman
> Raintree Farms
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