This message is from: "Patryjak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all!
Mira surprised us with a filly yesterday morning at 11:30 AM. Of course we
were not ready! She wasn't due til 5/28...and I spent between 6 and 7 am
reading the about the 18 days of camping out in the barn that was posted by
Lynn Binkowski! (Thank you all for foaling info and reports!) So when Mira
was leaking clear liquid at 8 am, I thought, "mmm, not due for 12 more
days...still wide, bag not that big..."
Wrong! Turned her out on grass in small pasture with Tomas and drove to back
field to spread manure...and when I returned in about 10 minutes, our little
herd of 2 had increased by 50%! Mare and foal were still down, but I had to
get Tomas out fast, he was getting too curious for Mira's liking. All else
went just like the tapes and books and you all said. (Thanks Lori A for the
great reading list!)
Many funny stories to tell about first time foaling for us...Thank Heaven
Mira has a lot of experience!
I had invited 3 friends/neighbors/ experienced horse buddies over for a
little meeting we called "Merrie Midwives," for last night at 7PM. The plan
was to watch the imprinting tapes again together and decide who would hold
and who would fold, etc! NOT! Mira surprised them all too! Here alone, I
called my most experienced horse neighbor, Laurie, and we got most of it
done in first hour...good thing, too. (A very strong little filly, made Dr.
Miller's "difficult" colt look wimpy!)

Thanks again to all who have shared so many different foaling experiences!
While not ready, per se, at least we had lots of possible scenarios to be
aware of!

We're pooped! Enjoy!

Betsy&Jer Patryjak, Michigan

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