This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you all for your words of encouragement and wonderfull names. Baby, 
still unnamed, is doing very well. We are still feeding every 90 minutes and 
he is now taking 13oz at a feeding. Friends have been great I have spent a 
total of 10 minutes alone today. My other horses have been worked groomed and 
fed and food has been bought to me and fed to me if I didn't stop. I have 
been able to concentrate on baby and buying a milk goat. I have friends 
coming in as early as 5am to take a couple of feed times. Los Trigos Ranch 
bought Kate down, the mare they use to take care of the weanlings, hopefully 
she will become a buddy to baby. (must find a name and stop referring to him 
as baby). So I have a great support system.
I will keep you posted when I can about how baby boy Sorger is doing. Thanks 

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