This message is from: "Joe Glick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have an unusual problem and wondered if anyone has had this happen. Three
weeks ago my stallion "Hardy" got the strangles. It seemed to run its course
as usual. The swelling drained, he ran a fever for a few days and wasn't
eating much for about two weeks. The last few days he was eating pretty good
again. He almost seemed himself again. Then yesterday I noticed his legs were
swollen and seemed weak. He would walk on his toes in the back legs and his
front legs seemed unstable. This morning his legs seem weaker yet. Sometimes
when he steps forward he doesn't get his front feet placed correctly and falls
on his face. But he won't stay down, insists on getting up right away again. I
called the vet, but he won't be here till this afternoon. He didn't seem to
know what it was when I talked to him on the phone.

Joe Glick
Glick Family Farm

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