This message is from: "Arthur Rivoire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good Morning from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

I was really ticked to read that very long diatribe against France.   That
sort of thing has no place on the Digest, and I think Steve should have
stopped it.


BDF TITAN - (Gjest x Stine) -  Some of you will remember me posting about
our 2002 colt,  BDF Titan's incredible birth size and weight.  I said we'd
never seen such height and bone in a newborn.  I believe I also told how
Titan was born with an attitude, and how we made sure that he was
well-handled and taught from
Day 1 to be a nice boy -

Well, BDF TITAN is still huge (13.2 hands at 10 months), and one of the
nicest colts we've ever had at Beaver Dam Farm.  His attitude and
temperament could be described as "sweet" and willing to please.   A very
good thing considering his size and most probably destiny.

BDF KANADA KING -  Born and bred at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia, and now
owned by Penny Stuckey in North Carolina was the "Cover Boy"  on the latest
Fjord Herald magazine.  We're very proud of this stallion, and want everyone
to know that although he's usually called just KING, and sometimes KANADA
KING, his real name is BDF KANADA KING.  He is a result of the magical
pairing of our wonderful old, imported stallion, GJEST, and the Norwegian
imported mare, STINE.  --  This is the good cross that's also produced Beth
Beymer's gorgeous and  talented stallion, BDF OBELISK, and also Nancy
Roemer's exquisite stallion, BDF MALCOLM LOCKE, and of course, the potential
star stallion, BDF TITAN.   ---

GJEST and STINE have also produced the lovely mare, BDF LIZA, who recently
foaled an outstanding colt, sired (I believe) by FERNANDO, the Danish
stallion imported by Green Valley Farm.  ----

BDF JENNIFER ANN is another daughter from the GJEST and STINE cross who has
also produced some very special Fjordhorses.  Horses like the impressive
gelding, BRENNING, sired by the imported Dutch stallion, MARNIX, and now
owned by Nancy Schulz.  --  For me, as a breeder, Brenning was fascinating
as you could see all his family personified in  one body.  The color of
Marnix, the body, presence, and head of Stine, and the bone, movement, and
athletic ability of Gjest.  --  We once did a ridden Pas de Deux with
Brenning and his granddam, Stine, and they were remarkably alike.  The heads
were almost identical, even the same long, and full forelock.  Two talented
young riders from Germany rode them, and it was quite beautiful.


I hope we can confine our discussions to Fjordhorses, and leave the rest to
private discussion or some other more suitable forum.


Carol Rivoire

Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7
Pomquet, Nova Scotia B2G 2L4
Tel:(902) 386-2304
Fax:(902) 386-2149
Carole Rivoire, author of THE FJORDHORSE HANDBOOK,
only book in English on the Fjord breed, available from Beaver Dam Farm,
$36.95 US includes P&H

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