This message is from: "Jon A. Ofjord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 10:50 AM 3/26/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>More importantly, is there any proof of the vaccine's effectiveness
>Brigid Wasson
>SF Bay Area, CA

Brigid:  Here's some more information, in part, from an article written 
by:Larissa Minicucci, DVM, and Jeffrey Bender, DVM, MS, DACVPM from the 
University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine in the March 2003 
issue of Horse'n Around:

".......In 1999, the disease affected 25 horses in Long 
Island,NY.  Thirty-six percent of these horses died.  West Nile spread 
throughout the Northeast in 2000 affecting 60 horses in seven states, this 
time with a fatality rate of 38 percent.  In 2001, the disease spread south 
along the eastern seaboard and began movement westward.  Seven hundred 
thirty-eight (738) horses in 20 states were affected with the majority of 
ill horses residing in Florida.  Thirty three percent (33%) of the affected 
horses died or were euthanized.  The year 2002 saw the most dramatic 
increase in equine cases of West Nile.  Forty states identified equine 
cases amounting to a total of 14,717 horses in the United 
States.  Minnesota was especially hard hit with 992 equine cases."

"......The West Nile vaccine is manufactured by Fort Dodge Animal Health 
and has been shown to be 94% effective.  It is recommended that horses 
receive two doses three weeks apart.  The vaccine should be given 
intramuscularly and administered at least three weeks before the start of 
mosquito season.  A booster should then be administered yearly.  In 
Minnesota this past year, approximately 60 percent of test positive horses 
were not vaccinated.  Of the ill vaccinated horses, many received only one 
dose.  Horses that were fully vaccinated (received two doses) were found to 
be 2.5 times more likely to survive than unvaccinated horses."

"......For more information, please contact the following web sites:
    * College of Veterinary Medicine -
    * Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -
    * United States Department of Agriculture -
    * Minnesota Department of Health -
    * Minnesota Board of Animal Health -
I hope this answers some questions for you.  With the coming of mosquito 
season just around the corner, it would be wise to try and protect your 
horses.  This disease also affects humans too.

Jon & Mary Ofjord
North Coast Fjords
Grand Marais, MN 55604

  • [no subject] Jon A. Ofjord

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