This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> We send our heartfelt support to our troops and their families. We do not
> support the war....... Peg

Anyone who pays their taxes does Peg,  =))) like it or not, but I believe I
understand what you're belatedly and unnecessarily inferring at this heated
point in time...  'though in reality I can't imagine it could be said that
there is actually anyone in the US in 'favor' of war; who would not have
preferred the obvious alternative. We support our nation's leaders and pray
for our troops also. God have Mercy on America and all countries involved..

But I imagine that individual political perceptions is something to be
avoided on a general List that is made for Fjords. Ours seem to be
blissfully oblivious to world affairs and antipathies... they are wistfully
listening for the sound of green grass growing in the pastures. Siiiigh.

Ruthie, nw mt

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