This message is from: "Jon A. Ofjord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 10:19 PM 3/12/2003 -0900, you wrote:
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Jon,

How deep do folks there bury their water and sewer lines and septic tanks?
My water lines are at 8', but the one for the barn that comes up into the heated tack room has a heat tape in it. The local grave digger had frost to 5 ' in undisturbed soil last week. Anything driven on will, of course, have the frost driven much deeper.

My leach tank is in the horse corral and for the last several years with
very little snow my septic system quit about the middle of February.  The
leach tank and lines are buried 6' down with a layer of styrofoam over the
top before back filling.

Our septic lines are not as deep and are o.k. so far. However, our mound (drain field) is starting to freeze. It is layered material built up about 5 or 6 feet over our lovely impermeable clay. We do the foam thing, too.

 Several year ago when we had sparse snow and very
cold temps evedrybody's septic systems and wells wre freezing and it was
the first year my well line froze after 24 years..had never plugged in the
heat tape before. The frost went down as much as 8 ft that year.

Last summer I piled a big pile of manure over the leach tank which heated
up and so far so good...but it has been a very mild winter!

That helped my tank, also.

It was just a little below zero this morning, but the Fjords are shedding profusely. Hopefully they know something we don't.


Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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