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Has anyone bought a Fjord from Canada, from this fellow - if yes, was his 
fjords trained as promised?  

This webpage    <A 
    scroll down to where 
the ad says:    Alberta, Assorted stock available, pair of mares 13yro & 
8yro, geldings 5yro's, 2yro grey gelding, plus............ now here's the 
part that caught my eye:  Breeder offers solid training, trail riding, 
crossing over water over bridges, & gaurantees your purchase * will accept 
the return of the Fjord you purchase if it doesn't meet with your 
expectations. (more text)

Now, I am realistic - I know that if I take the plunge and drive all the way 
up from Denver to Alberta, there is no relistic way I'd likely drive all the 
way back to return.  But, the point that the breeder advertises that on the 
(broker's?) website, is encouraging that the Fjord might actually be trained 
as advertised.

What I'm looking for is a fjord who is ready to be ridden by a beginner on 
mountain trails - not a "spook-aholic", not something that there's a good 
chance I'll find myself shortly in the hospital after a ride on the trails  
(grin) !

Basically, a trail ready riding fjord.  I really don't care about 
registration papers - honestly, they mean nothing when you're a trail rider.  
I don't plan to breed - so gender is not important.  A fairly reliable trail 
horse mentally in the fjord - (ie not green, not half trained - a "been 
there, done that" attitude is tops.)  These are the things that are the top 
priority.  After that - the picture that came in this add - a gelding I think 
- is *exactly* the coloring (very common color, I believe, but what I love in 
a fjord) and the mane/dorsal stripe -- that's the color I'm looking for.  The 
stocky neck and drafty body - LOVE it!

I know I will need to save up some more $$$ -- as the fellow I spoke to 
recently near me, seems I won't have enough money for the type of trained, 
ready to ride, fjord that I'm looking for.  So, it was suggested to me to 
check out going to Canada as a possibility.

Of course, where ever I go, I will request a trail demo - as the time honored 
saying goes - seeing it is believing it.  (Can you tell I've been shucked by 
one too many horse traders over the years?  Yep, I don't believe it anymore 
is it can not been shown, not just talked.)

After all - getting a fjord is not $50 purchase!!  LOL   I'm expecting $3,000 
at the very least and more like $5,000 for maybe unregistered, or an older 
fjord.  Personally, I think the idea age is 14 or 15 yrs old, *IF* they've 
had the trail time a lot during that lifetime.

My horse I ride now is a 22 yr old Standardbred - she's everything that I 
want to find someday in a Fjord.  But, sometime in the next 2-3 years, it 
will be time to retire her from mountain trail riding.  She's in great shape 
now, so I have lots of time to keep hunting for the fjord I have in mind.  It 
should not be that hard --- after all, I'm not looking for a "top of the 
line", competition winner, high points breeding fjord ... I'm just looking 
for a trail buddy with a handsome stripped mane.    :-)

Sher the Fjord lover 

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