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My breed of choice in dogs are keeshonden and poms, and I have been actively 
involved in the rescue of kees for many years, when I lived in Michigan and 
now here in So. California.
The foremost thing I appreciate in keeshonden, is there willingness to accept 
any rescue dog(s) I bring into our home to foster.
They have tolerated all dogs I have brought home here and the rescue dogs 
likewise have adjusted to our home in no time.  They are always so greatful 
for any kindness given them, and it is so rewarding to see their gratitude 
and to see how they respond so fast to any kindness given them.
Keeshonden are bred primarily as companion dogs and to deprive them of human 
companionship is simply torture for them.
Over the years I have been amazed at the neglect humans dish out to their 
fourlegged friends, and I am equally amazed at the willingness of most dogs, 
and especially in the keeshonden, to forgive their humans for the 
mistreatment dished out to them.
In most instances the dogs have been easy to re-habilitate and to re-home.  
They bounce back fast, unless they have been severely abused, but rarely have 
I ever seen any tendency to bite.
I personally will not have a dog that exhibits that tendency, nor will I 
re-home that type of dog.  There are too many good dogs out there and I can 
not afford to take that type of chance with a dog that bites.
Every dog that leaves as a rescue dog is spayed or neutered, so we make sure 
there wont be any more unwanted animals from an allready unwanted dog.  
We have an old rescue kees here with us and she will live her days out with 
us, as she is too old to have to go to yet another home, and she is the 
sweetest, most greatful old dog.  I have really appreciated her kind 
qualities and shame on the people who left her up in the mountains to fend 
for herself.  Thankfully somebody turned her in.
So, off my soapbox regarding this subject.
To make it fjord horse related, all the dogs are great around the horses and 
our fjordhorse accepts any and all dogs that we have here.

Rondi Tyler.
So. Calif.

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