Hello Listers!  We have had quite a few experiences with our Fjords Stella and 
Dena being around all kinds of animals. A very close friend of ours owns and 
operates the Greenville Wildlife Park.....They have all kinds of animals such 
as lions, tigers, bears, camels, exotic sheep, a hyena, monkeys, 
birds.......just about anything you can imagine! They have been slowly getting 
the park set up so that all the animals are in a natural habitat setting. The 
tigers have a few acres.......with a shelter,, rocks,,,woods area,,and a small 
pond..which they love to spend time in during the hot summers. You will only 
see their heads sticking out of the water,,,behind the reeds!  Thunder weighs 
about 900 lbs. and the owner can take him out on a leash! He has shown up in 
our yard with Thunder in the truck with him! He has shown up at our door with 
`with a covered basket.......only to set it down on the kitchen floor and have 
baby lions or tigers pop thier heads out from under the towel!  W!
hen the Park opened and for the first couple of years.....we would take Dena & 
Stella over to give "pony rides"! The kids loved them and for the ones that 
were a little scared......Mom or Dad could sit right up in the saddle with 
them!   When ever we came thru the Park with the fjords in the trailer 
...........right along side the tiger enclosure........they would immediately 
come down to the fence and stalk back and forth.....even though they have never 
had a live animal to eat....the instinct is there! Usually the rides are down 
in the back away from any animal enclosures......but during an open house pig 
roast we were giving rides right beside the tiger enclosure.....everytime we 
walked the horses up and down the lane.....the tigers would come running out 
and follow.......pacing back and forth.........Stella and Dena just did their 
job......didn't spoke........were ok with all the smells......we were relaxed 
and ok and the horses got their cues from us,,,trusting that the!
y weren't going to be the first "live dinner" for Thunder and!
 Tika!!   Of course, the first time we were at their first farm, Anthony was 
about 3, the owner wasn't there so we were checking out Garth and Eileen,, the 
yearling lions........the grownups were standing at the chain link fence and I 
watched Eileen jump down off the big hollowed-out dead tree in their pen and 
she came right down to the fence , in her "stalking " mode! Anthony was running 
back and forth behind us, oblivious to the lions and Eileen was stalking this 
little thing that she figured she would have a chance at catching! Made the 
hairs stand up on the back of my neck! Garth just lay there, stretched out on 
the tree while his "woman" was lion packs,,,,the females are the 
hunters. Once again, even though the lions have never had a "live" animal to 
kill and eat.......the hunting instinct is so inbred in them. Quite amazing!   

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