This message is from: Cynthia Madden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have been busy with aftermath of clinic and earning
a living and have had not had time to comment on the
Jeff Morse Clinic our new driving club, the Zia
Carriage Driving Club, put on last weekend. After a
week of cloudy and windy weather and some good rain,
it cleared up for the weekend though it got a little
windy and cold in the late afternoon.

Jeff Morse of Green Meads Farm in Richmond, MA agreed
to come for his first visit to southern New Mexico and
he was really glad to escape the northeast for a few

I have to say that I don't think I have ever received
so much information in so short a time and so helpful
at any other clinic I've attended. Both Steve and I
took a lesson with Tank and between the two sessions,
I gained so much information. Jeff says that driving
is a process of a thousand tweaks and that is what he
proceeded to do with horses, harness, vehicle, and
driver for everyone. I thought it very useful that he
pointed out that Tank's conformation and his current
breast collar might be incompatible and he suggested
trying a collar. He made some temporarly adjustments
and long range suggestions for the cart to bring the
driver higher. He also made some bitting suggestions
to encourage Tank to soften his jaw. Jeff emphasizes
comfort of the horse and the appropriate roles of
horse and driver. Jeff has real expertise, kindness
and a sense of humor.

I have been very frustrated and discouraged with my
inability to get Tank more forward. He showed us both
how to to do it effectively and told me to give Tank
more praise for correctness. I feel much encouraged
and have several tools now with which to work on both
Tank and myself. Jeff thought Tank "talented" and this
has always been my belief but I was beginning to think
otherwise. It is great to feel good again about both
of us working together. This is what these kind of
clinics are all about.

Everyone who participated in the clinic went away
feeling better about themselves and their horse (and
vice versa). We had a good crowd of auditors who were
hanging on every word. Jeff was excellent at telling
the audiences what he was doing and why. A couple of
"old timers" were so impressed they came both days and
told me to make sure and let them know about our next

All in all it was a very successful first effort for
our club and brought us some new members. Those of you
who are on CD-L will know Barbara Burr who makes
ultralite whips. She and her husband Cal are
considering moving to this area and visited our
clinic. They are great people and we hope they decided
on our fair city as their new home. They would be a
real asset to our fledging driving community.

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM
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