This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Greetings from brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ND.

I will be going to the auction as well, first I was going just to get a horsey
weekend away, then thinking it would be fun to stop in at the Midwest mtg. as
well.  We'll see.  Maybe I'll follow behind you Patti Jo.  :>

Now, we are thinking it may be a good idea to go and MAYBE bid on a couple of
the horses.  It is a buyers marekt currently, and it seems some of these
horses, tho lately not used, may be of interest to us.  After I received the
Waverly list , I did notice that some of the mares will be very close to
foaling and/or have young foals by their side, whci makes it risky for them to
be at a sale.  So, those buying, be sure you keep the newly boughts seperate
from your herd at home, as they almost need to be in a quarantine of sorts
after any auctin sale, just a caution from experience!!  But ya'll may know
all this already.

As far as not bidding each other up, and being able to recognize each other, I
think this is a great idea.  Lynda, come up with an idea and I will wear
whatever, - well, almost whatever, :>   However, the healthy bidding on a good
horse someone wants will still happen.  Some of these may get a good price.  I
heard a recent auction out west, either WY or MT where a pair of geldings went
for $6000.

So, who's all going??

PS. Great to here the good talk about Tim from Susan G.  and others, - after
all, he has had ads out for his stock for a long time, so after a while I
guess he needs to move them.  Linda L. had it right when she said this must be
really hard on him. lets not judge, but rather pray for blessings on him and
his horses!!

Janne in 20 below and cabin fever!!!

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