fjordhorse-digest    Saturday, February 22 2003    Volume 2003 : Number 052

In this issue:

       Re: horse logging
       Re: horse logging
       Re: Grabbson
       Waverly Sale
       Photographer at the Blue Earth Show??
       Re: Waverly Sale
       Re: Benefit Auction
       Driving Clinic Update
       Re: Waverly Auction, Hamlett Herd
       Re: Driving Clinic Update
       Re: Fjords at Waverly Horse Sale/ Amanda
       Waverly, Identification
       Re: Waverly Auction, Hamlett Herd
       Re: Waverly Auction, Hamlett Herd
       Re: Driving Clinic Update
       Loki's picture
       Re: Waverly, Identification
       Re: Fjords at Waverly Horse Sale/ Amanda
       Re: Waverly, Identification
       Re: Fjords at Waverly Horse Sale/ Amanda
       Geldings for sale
       Re: Waverly Auction, Hamlett Herd
       Re: Waverly Auction, Hamlett Herd

See the end of the digest for information on how to retrieve back issues.


Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 22:01:48 EST
Subject: Re: horse logging

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 22:01:52 EST
Subject: Re: horse logging

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 20:56:55 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Grabbson

Hello List!

Sue g. here. I have been following the conversations about the Waverly Auction 
and Tim's horses all going.....just to let folks know..Dick and I met Tim and 
his wife the first year we went to the Libby, MT show...he is a very well 
meaning man! Friendly, loved his horses. Then I was reaquanted(sp?) with him 
about 3 years when I went to Norway. His wife had died, not sure when, and he 
was like a lost soul. He really had a hard time with most things.......a few of 
us kept tabs on him to make sure he was ok. He really has a good heart and I 
know that if his comment was.....I just want them gone.......I would almost bet 
that he is in a depression... I have been there. When you are at the bottom, 
you just need things done and can't think about it in sane terms. I had a flock 
of 40 sheep, knew each and every one, had lambs every year from them, and the 
year that Dick had his first back surgery, we adopted Anthony, all the sheep 
were ready to lamb.....and two litters of Great Pyrene!
es were due a week apart......and we had two belgiums, a percheron and her 
filly, two paint fillys........and I had to take care of all of it.....needless 
to say, there came a time when I had to let something go,, I couldn't do it 
anymore...I sold the whole flock and when they were gone,,,,I knew that 
something was not right in my mind. They were a part of me, each and every one. 
But I couldn't care for them any more in the way that they needed so I let them 
go. To hear that Tim has said, He just wants them gone....that is what I said 
to. It doesn't make it right, it was what I had to do to survive mentally at 
the time.    I just wanted to speak up in Tim's corner and if I had the 
money!!!!!! I would be at Waverly trying to get what I could to help make sure 
they got into good hands!  

    A little while back , Sam, from Barefoot Farms had asked some questions on 
this fjord list about a foal that she had that she thought might be a grey. It 
is a colt, and it is out of Selma, who is a Grabbson daughter. Selma is a grey 
mare and we bred her to LLA Hilmar. She had a colt, Yngvar!  We didn't get over 
to Sam's until about a month ago and as soon as I saw the colt right up 
close..........I knew I was seeing my first Grey foal! I had never seen a grey 
that young........Julie Will had told me that when the foal is born, you will 
see a "Check" mark above each eye that is Black....and it will look like the 
foal has black eye make up on..........the brown duns........of which we have 
seen plenty of!  have a brown "check" mark..   The striping already apparent on 
this foal's legs is very striking......just like his dam, Selma's. Selma is an 
awesome mare. She belonged to Castlefjords until a few years ago and when Sam 
bought her... she was in foal. The stallion was a b!
rown dun and Selma had a grey filly, Floyel. Then she was bred last year to a 
brown dun, Hilmar, and she has a grey colt. I think she also had a few other 
foals, greys. Dick loves this mare and we have her at the farm here in 
Northfield , MA as a little trade off! We have the pasture and fields for the 
foals to get great excercise and she gets to take my mares to use for her 
riding camps!  

On a sad note, Floyel was owned by a young girl named, Lia, who bought her from 
Sam. We took her to the NY Fjord show and Lia was going to enter Horse College 
in Morrisville, NY where the NFHR Evaluation was held last year. So Floyel 
stayed on to board at Julie's. Sam got a call last week from Lia and Floyel had 
to be put down. Please say some prayers for Daryll, Julie's husband at Old 
Hickory Farm as they have lost one older mare, a different young horse, and 
Floyel, and I am pretty sure that there was one other horse on the sick list. 
Floyel was thought to have died from colic...her colon was up over her back? 
not where it should have been. Lia is home now from college for a break and 
helping Sam at Barefoot.....good for her to keep going and being with her 

On a happier note, we went to our first Sleigh Rally in Granby, MA last 
weekend! Talk about cold,,,,,,it was only in the teens........we drove our box 
farm sled with Selma and Hilmar as a team. For practice we had Yngvar hitched 
to his mom's work harness,,, he was quite the little show off! When he was at 
Sam's still he would walk all over his mom and never got reprimanded by 
he also thought it was ok to walk all over the people too! Sam and her husband, 
Rod, had a lot of fun bringing him in and out with mom from the paddock! When 
he got to our farm and was put out with his mom,  Hilmar, and two other 
weanlings, Yasmine(Dena/Konggard) and Yuri(Stella/Hilmar).....he didn't want to 
leave mom's side! He has learned all his manners now,,,,,amazing what a little 
time spent in the "herd" can do for a horse with manners problems! He is a 
perfect little gentleman. At the Rally we unhitched him at ring side and dick 
held him while I went in and I held him while dick drove in !
a class. He was very responsive to both of us and the folks ringside were in 
awe of him! The other two , Yasmine and Yuri, got to spend some time tied out 
to the side of the trailer and at times Yngvar was with them. It really helps 
to just take them places and expose them to lots! They were great ambassadors 
for the breed!

I have a man, who introduced himself to us at the rally, who is interested in 
finding an older grey gelding. He has one and just lost one a little while ago. 
Email me privately if you know of one!  

Have been enjoying all the recent posts to the list! Keep up all the good 


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 00:21:59 -0600
From: "Dave & Patti Jo Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Waverly Sale

This message is from: "Dave & Patti Jo Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Just to clarify, I don't have Viktor at my farm any longer.  Tim H. asked if I
would work with Viktor, show him and have him evaluated and possibly stand him
at my place.  I took him in last spring.  He was a very nice stallion, GREAT
disposition, nice movements, nice looking boy, GREAT bloodlines.  Julia Will
wanted to breed one of her mares to him if he would have evaluated well.

Thank you to whomever separated Viktor and myself from Tim and his hired
hand's way of training.  I do not agree with Tim and Jeff's way of
handling/training but I can be hospitable and gracious in dealing with them or
people like that.  Do we ever see eye to eye with any one on everything?

I brought him(Viktor) to Blue Earth in 2002, he was super.  He acted just like
he did at home, sweet and obedient.  I then took him to Galena to be
evaluated, albeit young, just a 2 yr old, I thought we should see what the
evaluators thought.  If he could just get a red, he would have a good chance
to get a blue later.  BUT, they said he had broken axis in both pasterns and
gave him a 69.  Basically saying they didn't want him used as a stallion.  I
wasn't totally surprised as I had asked my vet why I thought something was
wrong.  I thought I saw something in his front legs, but could not put my
finger on it.  But in my opinion it was hard to see, vet didn't catch it. I
told Tim I could not keep Viktor any longer as Tim wanted me to stand him at
my place for breeding. I thought we should listen to the judges and not use
him for breeding.

Viktor will be in the sale at Waverly.  He would make an excellent gelding!
I'll probably bid on him, but I still think he should be gelded and if I get
him he will be.  He will have slow smooth gaits and a great disposition, more
western pleasure than english.

I pretty much know the whole story with Tim, I don't feel it is right to go
into it all, but as much as we all can we should not be judgmental and we
should remember what good Tim has done with the breed.  Linda L. is right
Grabbson has thrown MANY good quality offspring, I'm sure not all are , but
what stallion has.  I've personally worked with several and I liked working
with them, they were willing, smart, good movers and good looking.  All there
current owners love them and are totally happy with them.

I don't like seeing Fjords at auctions just like most of you, but it's gonna
happen.  I plan on going and will bid on a few of them.  I caution anyone
going and planning on bidding, KNOW what you are bidding on.  You really
should know lines and training and everything about them.  Listen to what
people are saying on the list and if you have questions ask someone who would
know.  It is VERY risky buying at auctions, not everyone trains the same and
not every horse is the same as the next, bloodline are important.  PLUS you
really don't get to "test" ride or drive them yourself. Sure we talked a
little about Grabbson, but do you know the mares?  Most of the time you get
what you pay for!  Just be aware and do some homework.

One last thing, I believe all of Tim's horses are registered except for
perhaps Henry an import, registration pending perhaps.  He has a few geldings
that as far as I know he never transferred ownership, but they are registered
just not under his name.

He also is NOT selling the filly he imported.  The mare, the foal(Henry) she
had and Viktor are all in the sale.  If that helps.

I'm a true believer in what goes around comes around and by the Grace of God
it could be me in that situation, I'd hope people would be gracious and kind
and supportive, that's how I plan on being.  Grabbson and Tekla in my opinion
are probably the only ones at high risk.  Think there is enough of us going to
buy the young stock and the "trained" ones will probably sell over meat
prices.  Lynda I will be there and the babies are forsure taken care of,
anything 2 and under WON'T go for meat.

I'll be coming to the winter meeting from Waverly, sure I'll be in "fine"
shape.  I'm doing it all in one day.  Leaving at 3am to get to Waverly by 9am
taking in the auction then driving to Richland Center. You just might find me
in my room sleeping!

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 06:59:32 EST
Subject: Photographer at the Blue Earth Show??

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Listers;  

I have a question.........would anyone be interested in having a professional 
photographer at the Blue Earth Show in July 2003?  

This past spring my daughter and I had professional photographs taken by a 
lovely gal from our area.  My quarterhorse is 20 years old, Lena foaled 
"Hasse" and my daughter will graduate from college this spring with future 
dreams that do not include living with her parents (whew!! - 
haha!!).......... I decided I wanted some nice photographs to capture these 
events.   We are so happy with our photographs and with Jolene ....... she is 
wonderful to work with and is experienced in working with horses. 

If there is enough interest from fjord owners, Jolene, our photographer, is 
interested and willing to attend the Blue Earth Show.

Please email me privately if you are interested.  You are not committing to 
getting photographs taken - just showing interest!  

Thank you.......Linda Lottie in Corcoran


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 08:15:29 -0500
From: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Waverly Sale

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
At 12:21 AM 2/22/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>One last thing, I believe all of Tim's horses are registered except for
>perhaps Henry an import, registration pending perhaps.

Henry or Skyview Henry is now registered too.  I do not have any pending 
registrations for Tim at this time.

>He has a few geldings
>that as far as I know he never transferred ownership, but they are registered
>just not under his name.

I am afraid I don't know anything about these.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 09:58:04 -0500
From: bolinsj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Benefit Auction

This message is from: bolinsj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    I still have not heard from anyone about the auction items.  I will 
not be home this weekend for the actual auction; will be in Harrisburg 
for Friday-Sunday at the Fjord horse booth.  If you get a chance to come 
up, stop in and see us!
    Anyway, I either need to drop these things off or have someone pick 
them up pretty soon.  I will not be home most of Monday but 
Tuesday-Thursday would be do-able.  Please let me know.  It is no 
problem to drop them off if you give me directions and the name of 
someone to take them off my hands.  
    Or I could drop them off at John Laird's (assuming he is home). 
 They live not too far off and I know he is involved with your group.

Let me know,
Martie in MD


>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>        Not sure if this is allowed Steve so if not please disregard and 
>thank you for all your hard work with the list. Must get really frustrating 
>at times.
>    My therapeutic riding program is having a Benefit Auction on March 1 of 
>donated items, services etc.. We use the money raised to provide scholarship 
>funds (either partial or full) for all people who have disabilities and can 
>not pay for their therapy on horseback. No matter what we never turn anyone 
>away for lack of payment.
>   If anyone on the list would like to send items please send it in care of 
>me at the following address.
>Robyn Marie Sherrard
>Freedom Hills
>55 RHR Lane
>Port Deposit, MD. 21904
>      We are a non-profit 501c(3) and are in our 22nd year of providing safe 
>fun therapy to all ages.
>   Again my thanks,  Robyn


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 07:41:13 -0800
From: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Driving Clinic Update

This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
" Howdy "  from Sunwood Fjords and Carriage Co.
Plans are moving right along for the Driving Clinic to be held here on July
6th.  In the last post we neglected to include our address.  For those of you
who don't know where we are lactated:  our address is: 28281 N. Ramsey Road,
Athol, Id.  83801 USA.  The Clinic will be at our place for sure and not at an
arena.  the weather should not be a factor, as we will rent the large tent
from the PNFPG.  We are located about 20 miles north of Coeur d ' Alene Idaho.
If you have a camper and plan to stay for the night we have plenty of room.
We have around 15 folks signed up at this point.  We would like to have around
20 to 25.  If you or your friends would like to attend let us know ASAP .  I
will be sending out a sign up sheet to those who intend to make it.  In case
you had not read the earlier post, Brian Jensen will be doing the Clinic.  One
day with some class room and hands on Hitching and Driving a several teams who
are in various stages of training.  Brian has had many years of success as a
teamster and I am sure we are all in for a very educational and worth while
event.  Safety will be "key" at this event as always at Sunwood.   "Happy
Trails"     Ron & Sherrie Dayton
                                                    (208) 623-3600
                                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 08:37:13 -0800
From: "fjordcountry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: history/Marsha

This message is from: "fjordcountry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     Thanks for all the info on Dave Parker.  The reason I was interested was
because last week a gentleman and his three children came on a horseback trail
ride here at our ranch business and mentioned that his wife had a relative
from Montana who supposedly was one of the first importer of fjords to the US.
He was quite clear that he had nothing to back this up other than family
stories and he mentioned that it was very possible that it was not correct
info, emphasizing that it was coming from "the wife's family!" ha ha.  Anyhow,
I was curious so thanks so much.  Rock'n Kathi


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 11:42:38 EST
Subject: Re: Waverly Auction, Hamlett Herd

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Patti Jo,

Thanks for clarifying some of this!  Tim and the Waverly auction owner were 
making things quite confusing for a bit.  Tim is keeping 4 as of the last 
time I talked with him.  For awhile, he was also going to keep Viktor, but 
changed his mind.

We are thinking along the same lines as you, Grabbson, the mare with the 
broken leg, and possibly some of the youngsters are what we are worried 
about.  Now, with you going it sounds like we will not have to worry about 
the youngsters, thank you!

Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjords 
Quality Fjords--Equine Transportation--Hand-braided Tack & Accessories
White Cloud, MI
FAX: 775-383-6813

United Equine Foundation

Lynda C. Welch
President, PMU and Breed Specific Division

UEF Fjord rescue email group: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 11:33:30 -0600
From: Mariposa Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Driving Clinic Update

This message is from: Mariposa Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sherrie Dayton wrote:

> " Howdy "  from Sunwood Fjords and Carriage Co.
> Plans are moving right along for the Driving Clinic to be held here on July
> 6th.  In the last post we neglected to include our address.  For those of you
> who don't know where we are lactated:

Lactated ????????  Too funny.  Maybe you're located on the milk route.



Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 09:48:24 -0800
From: "Snowy Mtn." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Fjords at Waverly Horse Sale/ Amanda

This message is from: "Snowy Mtn." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 I know that the Mare Amanda's beauty is an
excellent horse. She came to us as a Lion and left a lamb. I know Tim used
her extencively as apparently she was one of his favorites. A few year ago
when she was here she learned to be absolutely great in saddle you could
shoot from her back you. We played leap frog with trucks honking horns,
motorcycles,  she would walk over & underplastic . She went thru every
sacking out process we could think of. We trainerd her in buggy tough at
first but she became EXCELLENT. Amanda taught us alot. We love her to death.
Please don't let this mare go for meat. She is a high energy horse but she
learned to be very well behaved. A roller bit was her favorite, roll roll
roll steady as a rock, but wow that rollerbit rolled. Even if she is a
little rusty now Amanda is a horse with a great big heart, very strong, big,
Amanda would be an excellent buy.I think there are 2 pictures of her on our
web site . One tilling soil in the greenhouse, the other standing on &
underplastic with Walter holding a shot gun. Look under our training page at
What a horse. Waverly is to far from us here and money is short at this time
of year, otherwise I would defineatly go buy her. I hope Someone that want a
great horse will buy her. Let me know Please.
Lauren Sellars
Snowy Mtn Fjords

Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: February 20, 2003 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: Fjords at Waverly Horse Sale

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In regard to Hamlett's horses, I strongly advise against anyone thinking
> these horses are "dead broke" and trail ready.


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 12:55:06 EST
Subject: Waverly, Identification

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello everyone,

I have been trying to figure out how we will all be able to identify each 
other so we are not inadvertently bidding against each other.

I know some of us have farm shirts, what do you all think of wearing a green 
ribbon or something like that?

Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjords 
Quality Fjords--Equine Transportation--Hand-braided Tack & Accessories
White Cloud, MI
FAX: 775-383-6813

United Equine Foundation

Lynda C. Welch
President, PMU and Breed Specific Division

UEF Fjord rescue email group: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 13:40:21 -0500
From: "Curtis Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Waverly Auction, Hamlett Herd

This message is from: "Curtis Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Victor, imported Danish stallion, Evaluated as yellow, score 69.
> have told me there is something wrong with his front legs.

As Lori mentioned at the end of the last digest, Victor was bred and
purchased in Norway.  His previous owner and breeder was Earhart Martin.
He was the first place yearling colt at the Nordfjordeid show in 2001.
As far as the evaluation score and mention of a leg problem, you need to
use the evaluation of young stock as a picture of the horse on that day.
As a 2 year-old, he was in an awkward growth stage and a leg problem was
detected.  This would not rule him out as a performance horse.

While in Norway in 2001, we also saw the mare and filly imported from
Norway and have seen the stallion that the mare was bred to before she
came to the US.  They are nice Fjord Horses, so hopefully someone will
buy them.

Curt Pierce
Bristow, VA
What do you get with heavy rain on top of 2 feet of snow? A lot of water


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 13:00:24 -0800
Subject: Re: Waverly Auction, Hamlett Herd

This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Is it possible that a broken hoof axis is fixable.  I gather it can be
created by poor farriery (or lack thereof).  So could it be fixed?  Are you
meaning to imply that he could "grow out of it"?
>As far as the evaluation score and mention of a leg problem, you need to
>use the evaluation of young stock as a picture of the horse on that day.
>As a 2 year-old, he was in an awkward growth stage and a leg problem was
>detected.  This would not rule him out as a performance horse.


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 16:24:14 EST
Subject: Re: Driving Clinic Update

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] are just tooooooo funny!!!  Linda in MN


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 21:26:59 +0000
From: "sandra church" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Loki's picture

This message is from: "sandra church" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hello listers-I made a fun discovery today.? I went to my driving
instructor's website & there's a picture of Loki & me at?our first & only
competition!? You're welcome to check us out at
We're not nearly as elegant as Shelly & her Morgan in the top picture but
we survived our first competition last fall after having only 2 hours of
sleep the night before (son's marching band?bus broke down on interstate
just hours after the Ashland, Va. sniper attack-not a fun night)?Sandra
in very, very wet Va.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 15:46:00 -0600
From: "Martha and Guy Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Waverly, Identification

This message is from: "Martha and Guy Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Good idea.  I was wondering about that too.  Guy and I will be going-he has
a Fjord hat that he always wears.  If it's a cool day, Norwegian sweaters
might be in order too!

Martha and Guy Martin
Mt. Horeb, WI

> I have been trying to figure out how we will all be able to identify each
> other so we are not inadvertently bidding against each other.


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 16:49:36 EST
Subject: Re: Fjords at Waverly Horse Sale/ Amanda

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Lauren,

Thanks for the information!  I am sure she will be snatched up and get a 
fabulous home.

Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjords 
Quality Fjords--Equine Transportation--Hand-braided Tack & Accessories
White Cloud, MI
FAX: 775-383-6813

United Equine Foundation

Lynda C. Welch
President, PMU and Breed Specific Division

UEF Fjord rescue email group: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 16:51:09 EST
Subject: Re: Waverly, Identification

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In a message dated 2/22/2003 4:47:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> Good idea.  I was wondering about that too.  Guy and I will be going-he has
> a Fjord hat that he always wears.  


What about bandanas?  Someone on the other list mentioned these as they are 
so bright and easily noticeable.  Last thing we want to do is have a bunch of 
us bidding against each other!

Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjords 
Quality Fjords--Equine Transportation--Hand-braided Tack & Accessories
White Cloud, MI
FAX: 775-383-6813

United Equine Foundation

Lynda C. Welch
President, PMU and Breed Specific Division

UEF Fjord rescue email group: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 17:31:22 EST
Subject: Re: Fjords at Waverly Horse Sale/ Amanda

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Our Good Luck goes with all that will be at the auction.   I would bid on 
some of the younger one's if I could be there. You all are doing great.Tillie

Dun Lookin' Fjords
Bud,Tillie & Amy Evers
Redmond OR  (541) 548-6018


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 22:52:50 GMT
Subject: Geldings for sale

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For those of you looking for a really sweet Fjord gelding at a good price I
am wanting to sell four NFHR registered geldings. Only one is started--I was
ill with fibromyalgia for a couple of years--they are easy to handle and 
but not broke to ride. My biggest requirement is that they go to loving homes.

Misha--Shota Fjords

you can email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

They are: Yggdrasil, Woodland's Jovan/Quad L's Megan 6
Valeska, Woodland's Jovan/Quad L's Christina 3
Grendel Woodland's Jovan/Quad L's Aubrey 3
Cinco--Woodlan's Jovan/Quad L's Aubrey 1 


Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 21:50:48 -0500
From: "John & Eunice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Waverly Auction, Hamlett Herd

This message is from: "John & Eunice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linda ... in regard to your statements:    <<Tim has stated he will not have
a minimum bid, even if the horses are sold to a meat buyer.  He simply wants
them gone.

We are scrambling to get some people to this auction to act on the UEF's
behalf to either keep the bids higher on these at risk Fjords, or help the
UEF purchase and then place them in adoptive homes. >>

Does this mean that the UEF will have a representative at this sale to bid
up these fjords so that anyone (not a meat buyer) hoping to get one "cheap"
would not have a chance?
Do you know who the meat buyers are?



Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 22:58:54 EST
Subject: Re: Waverly Auction, Hamlett Herd

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Does this mean that the UEF will have a representative at this sale to bid
> up these fjords so that anyone (not a meat buyer) hoping to get one "cheap"
> would not have a chance?

I am sure if you have been watching this list you will know we are all 
working together to not only get the word out about these Fjords, but also 
are trying to post as much information about the individual Fjord's traits, 
training, and pedigree as possible.  Quite a few list members have been 
really helpful in sharing information they personally know of some of these 

We are also discussing how to identify each other specifically so we will not 
inadvertently bid against each other.  There will be quite a few people from 
this list there, plus representatives from the UEF attending.  I am sure we 
will be able to figure out how to identify each other.

In our experience, with some careful observation, one can tell who the meat 
buyers are, yes.  The UEF is only going to bid on those high risk Fjords, if 
any, that for whatever reason no one else is able to bid on.  Remember, as of 
right now, there are 34 consigned Fjords going through that auction, they are 
still accepting consigned and un-consigned horses.  Obviously, the UEF Fjord 
account only has the funds for a few Fjords and our hopes are that we do not 
have to purchase even one of them!  Steve has been really nice to allow us to 
discuss this auction and the Fjords we know are going through, this way 
everyone on this list will know and hopefully, many will be there to bring a 
new Fjord home!

We have our hands on a flyer, finally, so hopefully by tomorrow will be able 
to share the name, pedigree, training, and evaluation results, if any, on 
each member of this herd of Fjords with this list.

Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjords 
Quality Fjords--Equine Transportation--Hand-braided Tack & Accessories
White Cloud, MI
FAX: 775-383-6813

United Equine Foundation

Lynda C. Welch
President, PMU and Breed Specific Division

UEF Fjord rescue email group: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


End of fjordhorse-digest V2003 #52

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