This message is from: "Sherrie Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

" Howdy "  from Sunwood Fjords and Carriage Co.
Plans are moving right along for the Driving Clinic to be held here on July
6th.  In the last post we neglected to include our address.  For those of you
who don't know where we are lactated:  our address is: 28281 N. Ramsey Road,
Athol, Id.  83801 USA.  The Clinic will be at our place for sure and not at an
arena.  the weather should not be a factor, as we will rent the large tent
from the PNFPG.  We are located about 20 miles north of Coeur d ' Alene Idaho.
If you have a camper and plan to stay for the night we have plenty of room.
We have around 15 folks signed up at this point.  We would like to have around
20 to 25.  If you or your friends would like to attend let us know ASAP .  I
will be sending out a sign up sheet to those who intend to make it.  In case
you had not read the earlier post, Brian Jensen will be doing the Clinic.  One
day with some class room and hands on Hitching and Driving a several teams who
are in various stages of training.  Brian has had many years of success as a
teamster and I am sure we are all in for a very educational and worth while
event.  Safety will be "key" at this event as always at Sunwood.   "Happy
Trails"     Ron & Sherrie Dayton
                                                    (208) 623-3600
                                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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