This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> can you find  "Buck #Fs2743" in your copy of the NFA stud book?  This was
> one of the stallions used on the ranch whre the 5 Mares are coming from
> mentioned a while ago.  We were trying to figure out if this was the same
> "as Buck-34 in the CFHA book.

Unfortunately, the 1990 copy of the NFA stud book only lists NFA
horses that were alive in 1990---each with its 3-generation pedigree.
So, Buck C-34 (a Canadian-registered stallion) isn't listed
directly---only mentioned in the pedigrees of his decendants (like my
gelding, Trondleif, aka Sleepy).  Likewise, King Harald 101-A isn't in
the 1990 NFA stud book, despite being the first NFA-registered horse,
with many descendants, because he died circa 1985.

It is interesting to compare Sleepy's "official" pedigrees from NFA
and NFHR.  Sleepy goes back thru Andre 221-B to Prince C-39, who is
Buck X Thora.  NFA lists Buck C-34 as being by Solvfast, out of
Brunhoppe; Thora 2052-A is listed as Sanko X Unknown.  But, NFHR shows
Prince's parents as Buck C-34, who is Sanko X Purdy-mare and Thora
C-36, who is Solvfast X Purdy-mare.  (Mike May told me that was what
the Canadians had in their records, and NFHR follows their lead.)
Methinks Mike is in for some "fun", when it comes time to merge the
NFA and NFHR registration records!  But, at least the NFA records
should fill in many (but not all) of the "Unknown"s in various NFHR
pedigree pages (mostly info on birth dates and breeders).

Anyway, there is no "Buck #Fs2743" in the NFA studbook.  NFA numbers
started with 101 for stallions (and geldings) and 2001 for mares.  NFA
numbers end in -A (foundation stock) or -B (born of already-registered
parents).  So, Fs2743 isn't an NFA registration number.  Maybe FBA?

Several years ago, there was an article in the Fjord Herald about Buck
C-34.  (Had to be before 1998, as I mentioned it on this list, back
then.)  At that time, he was about 27, had been gelded, and was living
out his retirement as a pasture pet.  How old are those horses that
"Buck #Fs2743" is supposed to have sired?

Marsha Jo Hannah                Murphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

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